Sigurd Øxnevad
Sigurd Øxnevad
Forsker ved Norsk Institutt for Vannforskning
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Environmental occurrence and risk of organic UV filters and stabilizers in multiple matrices in Norway
KH Langford, MJ Reid, E Fjeld, S Øxnevad, KV Thomas
Environment International 80, 1-7, 2015
Effects of increased sea water concentrations of CO2 on growth of the bivalve Mytilus edulis L.
JA Berge, B Bjerkeng, O Pettersen, MT Schaanning, S Øxnevad
Chemosphere 62 (4), 681-687, 2006
Toxicity of acid aluminium-rich water to seven freshwater fish species: a comparative laboratory study
ABS Poléo, K Østbye, SA Øxnevad, RA Andersen, E Heibo, LA Vøllestad
Environmental Pollution 96 (2), 129-139, 1997
Effects of CO2 induced seawater acidification on infaunal diversity and sediment nutrient fluxes
S Widdicombe, SL Dashfield, CL McNeill, HR Needham, A Beesley, ...
Marine ecology progress series 379, 59-75, 2009
Do antiparasitic medicines used in aquaculture pose a risk to the Norwegian aquatic environment?
KH Langford, S Øxnevad, M Schøyen, KV Thomas
Environmental science & technology 48 (14), 7774-7780, 2014
Experimental results on bioaccumulation of metals and organic contaminants from marine sediments
A Ruus, M Schaanning, S Øxnevad, K Hylland
Aquatic toxicology 72 (3), 273-292, 2005
Effects of sedimentation from water-based drill cuttings and natural sediment on benthic macrofaunal community structure and ecosystem processes
HC Trannum, HC Nilsson, MT Schaanning, S Øxnevad
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 383 (2), 111-121, 2010
Effects of drill cuttings on biogeochemical fluxes and macrobenthos of marine sediments
MT Schaanning, HC Trannum, S Øxnevad, JL Carroll, T Bakke
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 361 (1), 49-57, 2008
Levels and trends of tributyltin (TBT) and imposex in dogwhelk (Nucella lapillus) along the Norwegian coastline from 1991 to 2017
M Schøyen, NW Green, DØ Hjermann, L Tveiten, B Beylich, S Øxnevad, ...
Marine environmental research 144, 1-8, 2019
Effects of Tank Wall Color and Up‐welling Water Flow on Growth and Survival of Eurasian Perch Larvae (Perca fluviatilis)
S Jentoft, S ØXnevad, AH Aastveit, ØI Andersen
Journal of the World Aquaculture Society 37 (3), 313-317, 2006
Contaminants in coastal waters of Norway 2019.
NW Green, M Schøyen, DØ Hjermann, S Øxnevad, A Ruus, M Grung, ...
NIVA-rapport, 2022
The ecotoxicology of marine tributyltin (TBT) hotspots: a review
J Beyer, Y Song, KE Tollefsen, JA Berge, L Tveiten, A Helland, S Øxnevad, ...
Marine Environmental Research 179, 105689, 2022
Developmental stability in perch (Perca fluviatilis) in acidic aluminium-rich lakes
K Østbye, SA Øxnevad, LA Vøllestad
Canadian Journal of Zoology 75 (6), 919-928, 1997
Bioaccumulation and trophic transfer of cyclic volatile methylsiloxanes (cVMS) in the aquatic marine food webs of the Oslofjord, Norway
DE Powell, M Schøyen, S Øxnevad, R Gerhards, T Böhmer, M Koerner, ...
Science of the Total Environment 622, 127-139, 2018
Impact of elevated levels of CO2 on animal mediated ecosystem function: The modification of sediment nutrient fluxes by burrowing urchins
S Widdicombe, A Beesley, JA Berge, SL Dashfield, CL McNeill, ...
Marine pollution bulletin 73 (2), 416-427, 2013
Is there a relationship between fluctuating asymmetry and reproductive investment in perch (Perca fluviatilis)?
SA Øxnevad, E Heibo, LA Vøllestad
Canadian Journal of Zoology 80 (1), 120-125, 2002
Hazardous substances in fjords and coastal waters-2011. Levels, trends and effects. Long-term monitoring of environmental quality in Norwegian coastal waters
N Green, M Schøyen, S Øxnevad, A Ruus, T Høgåsen, B Beylich, ...
Norsk institutt for vannforskning, 2012
Benthic community status and mobilization of Ni, Cu and Co at abandoned sea deposits for mine tailings in SW Norway
MT Schaanning, HC Trannum, S Øxnevad, K Ndungu
Marine pollution bulletin 141, 318-331, 2019
Screening program 2013. New bisphenols, organic peroxides, fluorinated siloxanes, organic UV filters and selected PBT substances.
KV Thomas, M Schlabach, K Langford, E Fjeld, S Øxnevad, T Rundberget, ...
Survival of crucian carp,Carassius carassius, exposed to a high low-molecular weight inorganic aluminium challenge
ABS Poléo, SA Øxnevad, K Østbye, RA Andersen, DH Oughton, ...
Aquatic sciences 57, 350-359, 1995
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Articles 1–20