Kim-Pong Tam
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Cited by
Concepts and measures related to connection to nature: Similarities and differences
KP Tam
Journal of environmental psychology 34, 64-78, 2013
Culture as common sense: perceived consensus versus personal beliefs as mechanisms of cultural influence.
X Zou, KP Tam, MW Morris, S Lee, IYM Lau, C Chiu
Journal of personality and social psychology 97 (4), 579, 2009
Saving Mr. Nature: Anthropomorphism enhances connectedness to and protectiveness toward nature
KP Tam, SL Lee, MM Chao
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 49 (3), 514-521, 2013
Dispositional empathy with nature
KP Tam
Journal of environmental psychology 35, 92-104, 2013
Environmental concern has a weaker association with pro-environmental behavior in some societies than others: A cross-cultural psychology perspective
KP Tam, HW Chan
Journal of Environmental Psychology 53, 213-223, 2017
Generalized trust narrows the gap between environmental concern and pro-environmental behavior: Multilevel evidence
KP Tam, HW Chan
Global environmental change 48, 182-194, 2018
Perceived cultural importance and actual self-importance of values in cultural identification.
C Wan, C Chiu, K Tam, S Lee, IY Lau, S Peng
Journal of personality and social psychology 92 (2), 337, 2007
Towards cross-cultural environmental psychology: A state-of-the-art review and recommendations
KP Tam, TL Milfont
Journal of Environmental Psychology 71, 101474, 2020
Measuring Cultures through Intersubjective Cultural Norms Implications for Predicting Relative Identification With Two or More Cultures
C Wan, CY Chiu, S Peng, KP Tam
Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology 38 (2), 213-226, 2007
Exclusionary reactions to foreign cultures: Effects of simultaneous exposure to cultures in globalized space
CJ Torelli, CY Chiu, K Tam, AKC Au, HT Keh
Journal of Social Issues 67 (4), 716-742, 2011
Being environmentally responsible: Cosmopolitan orientation predicts pro-environmental behaviors
AKY Leung, K Koh, KP Tam
Journal of Environmental Psychology 43, 79-94, 2015
Nature in virtual reality improves mood and reduces stress: evidence from young adults and senior citizens
SHM Chan, L Qiu, G Esposito, KP Mai, KP Tam, J Cui
Virtual reality 27 (4), 3285-3300, 2023
Intersubjective model of value transmission: Parents using perceived norms as reference when socializing children
KP Tam, SL Lee, YH Kim, Y Li, MM Chao
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 38 (8), 1041-1052, 2012
Understanding intergenerational cultural transmission through the role of perceived norms
KP Tam
Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology 46, 1260-1266, 2015
Unraveling the link between narcissism and psychological health: New evidence from coping flexibility
HKS Ng, RYH Cheung, KP Tam
Personality and Individual Differences 70, 7-10, 2014
Age differences in personal values: Universal or cultural specific?
HH Fung, YW Ho, R Zhang, X Zhang, KA Noels, KP Tam
Psychology and aging 31 (3), 274, 2016
What values do parents want to socialize in their children? The role of perceived normative values
KP Tam, SL Lee
Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology 41 (2), 175-181, 2010
Cross-national variation of gender differences in environmental concern: Testing the sociocultural hindrance hypothesis
HW Chan, V Pong, KP Tam
Environment and Behavior 51 (1), 81-108, 2019
Anthropomorphism of nature, environmental guilt, and pro-environmental behavior
KP Tam
Sustainability 11 (19), 5430, 2019
Culture and counterfactuals: On the importance of life domains
J Chen, CY Chiu, NJ Roese, KP Tam, IYM Lau
Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology 37 (1), 75-84, 2006
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Articles 1–20