Michael Taborsky
Michael Taborsky
Professor of Behavioral Ecology, University of Bern
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Sneakers, satellites, and helpers: parasitic and cooperative behavior in fish reproduction
M Taborsky
Advances in the Study of Behavior 23 (1), e100, 1994
Animal personality due to social niche specialisation
R Bergmüller, M Taborsky
Trends in ecology & evolution 25 (9), 504-511, 2010
Alternative reproductive tactics: an integrative approach
RF Oliveira, M Taborsky, HJ Brockmann
Cambridge University Press, 2008
Inclusive fitness theory and eusociality
P Abbot, J Abe, J Alcock, S Alizon, JAC Alpedrinha, M Andersson, ...
Nature 471 (7339), E1-E4, 2011
Sperm competition in fish:bourgeois' males and parasitic spawning
M Taborsky
Trends in Ecology & Evolution 13 (6), 222-227, 1998
10· Alternative reproductive tactics in fish
M Taborsky
Alternative reproductive tactics an integrative approach 251, 2008
Broodcare helpers in the cichlid fish Lamprologus brichardi: their costs and benefits
M Taborsky
Animal Behaviour 32 (4), 1236-1252, 1984
Generalized reciprocity in rats
C Rutte, M Taborsky
PLoS biology 5 (7), e196, 2007
What sets the odds of winning and losing?
C Rutte, M Taborsky, MWG Brinkhof
Trends in Ecology & Evolution 21 (1), 16-21, 2006
Paying to stay or paying to breed? Field evidence for direct benefits of helping behavior in a cooperatively breeding fish
S Balshine-Earn, FC Neat, H Reid, M Taborsky
Behavioral Ecology 9 (5), 432-438, 1998
The evolution of bourgeois, parasitic, and cooperative reproductive behaviors in fishes
M Taborsky
Journal of Heredity 92 (2), 100-110, 2001
Helpers in fish
M Taborsky, D Limberger
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 8, 143-145, 1981
Correlates of group size in a cooperatively breeding cichlid fish (Neolamprologus pulcher)
S Balshine, B Leach, F Neat, H Reid, M Taborsky, N Werner
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 50, 134-140, 2001
Evolution of cooperation by generalized reciprocity
T Pfeiffer, C Rutte, T Killingback, M Taborsky, S Bonhoeffer
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 272 (1568), 1115-1120, 2005
Cooperative Breeding
M Taborsky
Encyclopedia of Evolutionary Psychological Science, 1473-1476, 2021
Do woodpecker finches acquire tool-use by social learning?
S Tebbich, M Taborsky, B Fessl, D Blomqvist
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B: Biological Sciences …, 2001
Experimental manipulation of helping in a cooperative breeder: helpers ‘pay to stay’by pre-emptive appeasement
R Bergmüller, M Taborsky
Animal Behaviour 69 (1), 19-28, 2005
Predation risk is an ecological constraint for helper dispersal in a cooperatively breeding cichlid
D Heg, Z Bachar, L Brouwer, M Taborsky
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B: Biological Sciences …, 2004
Breeder-helper conflict in a cichlid fish with broodcare helpers: an experimental analysis
M Taborsky
Behaviour 95 (1-2), 45-75, 1985
The influence of social experience on cooperative behaviour of rats (Rattus norvegicus): direct vs generalised reciprocity
C Rutte, M Taborsky
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 62, 499-505, 2008
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Articles 1–20