Ibrahim Muter
Ibrahim Muter
Amazon Web Services
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Solving a robust airline crew pairing problem with column generation
I Muter, Şİ Birbil, K Bülbül, G Şahin, H Yenigün, D Taş, D Tüzün
Computers & Operations Research 40 (3), 815-830, 2013
Simultaneous column-and-row generation for large-scale linear programs with column-dependent-rows
I Muter, Şİ Birbil, K Bülbül
Mathematical Programming 142 (1), 47-82, 2013
A branch-and-price algorithm for the multidepot vehicle routing problem with interdepot routes
I Muter, JF Cordeau, G Laporte
Transportation Science 48 (3), 425-441, 2014
Multi-objective temporal bin packing problem: An application in cloud computing
N Aydın, İ Muter, Şİ Birbil
Computers & Operations Research 121, 104959, 2020
Exact algorithms to minimize makespan on single and parallel batch processing machines
İ Muter
European journal of operational research 285 (2), 470-483, 2020
An exact solution approach for the order batching problem
I Muter, T Öncan
Iie Transactions 47 (7), 728-738, 2015
Combination of metaheuristic and exact algorithms for solving set covering-type optimization problems
İ Muter, Şİ Birbil, G Şahin
INFORMS Journal on Computing 22 (4), 603-619, 2010
Algorithms for the one-dimensional two-stage cutting stock problem
I Muter, Z Sezer
European Journal of Operational Research 271 (1), 20-32, 2018
Managing disruptions in the multi-depot vehicle scheduling problem
E Uçar, Şİ Birbil, İ Muter
Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 105, 249-269, 2017
Order batching and picker scheduling in warehouse order picking
İ Muter, T Öncan
Iise Transactions 54 (5), 435-447, 2022
Identical parallel machine scheduling with discrete additional resource and an application in audit scheduling
E Çanakoğlu, İ Muter
International Journal of Production Research 59 (17), 5321-5336, 2021
Benders decomposition and column-and-row generation for solving large-scale linear programs with column-dependent-rows
İ Muter, İ  Birbil, K Bülbül
European Journal of Operational Research 264 (1), 29-45, 2018
Minimum cost delivery of multi-item orders in e-commerce logistics
MH Akyüz, İ Muter, G Erdoğan, G Laporte
Computers & Operations Research 138, 105613, 2022
Incorporating aggregate diversity in recommender systems using scalable optimization approaches
I Muter, T Aytekin
INFORMS Journal on Computing 29 (3), 405-421, 2017
Integrating Individual and Aggregate Diversity in Top-N Recommendation
E Çanakoğlu, İ Muter, T Aytekin
INFORMS Journal on Computing 33 (1), 300-318, 2021
A note on “A LP-based heuristic for a time-constrained routing problem”
I Muter, Şİ Birbil, K Bülbül, G Şahin
European Journal of Operational Research 221 (2), 306-307, 2012
A new formulation and approach for the black and white traveling salesman problem
I Muter
Computers & Operations Research 53, 96-106, 2015
Audit scheduling in banking sector
E Çanakoğlu, İ Muter, O Adanur
Operations Research Proceedings 2016: Selected Papers of the Annual …, 2018
Simultaneous column-and-row generation for solving large-scale linear programs with column-dependent-rows
İ Muter
Column generation approaches to a robust airline crew pairing model for managing extra flights
E Coban, I Muter, D Taş, Ş İlker Birbil, K Bülbül, G Şahin, Y İlker Topçu, ...
Operations Research Proceedings 2008: Selected Papers of the Annual …, 2009
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Articles 1–20