Quan Gan
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Cited by
Coal pore size distributions controlled by the coalification process: An experimental study of coals from the Junggar, Ordos and Qinshui basins in China
Y Li, C Zhang, D Tang, Q Gan, X Niu, K Wang, R Shen
Fuel 206, 352-363, 2017
Production optimization in fractured geothermal reservoirs by coupled discrete fracture network modeling
Q Gan, D Elsworth
Geothermics 62, 131-142, 2016
Analysis of fluid injection‐induced fault reactivation and seismic slip in geothermal reservoirs
Q Gan, D Elsworth
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 119 (4), 3340-3353, 2014
A continuum model for coupled stress and fluid flow in discrete fracture networks
Q Gan, D Elsworth
Geomechanics and Geophysics for Geo-Energy and Geo-Resources, 1-19, 2015
Research progress of natural gas hydrate exploitation with CO2 replacement: A review
WN Wei, B Li, Q Gan, YL Li
Fuel 312, 122873, 2022
CO2/CH4 Competitive Adsorption in Shale: Implications for Enhancement in Gas Production and Reduction in Carbon Emissions
J Liu, L Xie, D Elsworth, Q Gan
Environmental science & technology 53 (15), 9328-9336, 2019
Experimental investigation on the permeability, acoustic emission and energy dissipation of coal under tiered cyclic unloading
M Duan, C Jiang, Q Gan, M Li, K Peng, W Zhang
Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 73, 103054, 2020
Breakdown pressures due to infiltration and exclusion in finite length boreholes
Q Gan, D Elsworth, JS Alpern, C Marone, P Connolly
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 127, 329-337, 2015
A fractal model of effective thermal conductivity for porous media with various liquid saturation
X Qin, J Cai, P Xu, S Dai, Q Gan
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 128, 1149-1156, 2019
Paleoenvironmental conditions and organic matter accumulation in Upper Paleozoic organic-rich rocks in the east margin of the Ordos Basin, China
Y Li, Z Wang, Q Gan, X Niu, W Xu
Fuel 252, 172-187, 2019
Natural fractures initiation and fracture type prediction in coal reservoir under different in-situ stresses during hydraulic fracturing
S Huang, D Liu, Y Yao, Q Gan, Y Cai, L Xu
Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 43, 69-80, 2017
Preliminary study of influence factors and estimation model of the enhanced gas recovery stimulated by carbon dioxide utilization in shale
J Liu, L Xie, Y Yao, Q Gan, P Zhao, L Du
ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 7 (24), 20114-20125, 2019
Study on permeability anisotropy of bedded coal under true triaxial stress and its application
M Duan, C Jiang, Q Gan, H Zhao, Y Yang, Z Li
Transport in Porous Media 131, 1007-1035, 2020
Influence of anisotropic and heterogeneous permeability coupled with in-situ stress on CO2 sequestration with simultaneous enhanced gas recovery in shale: Quantitative modeling …
J Liu, L Xie, B He, Q Gan, P Zhao
International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 104, 103208, 2021
Influence of permeability anisotropy on heat transfer and permeability evolution in geothermal reservoir
J Ijeje, J.J., Gan, Q., Cai
Advances in Geo-Energy Research 3 (1), 43-51, 2019
Fault zone exploitation in geothermal reservoirs: Production optimization, permeability evolution and induced seismicity
K Anyim, Q Gan
Advances in Geo-Energy Research, 2020
Thermal drawdown and late‐stage seismic‐slip fault reactivation in enhanced geothermal reservoirs
Q Gan, D Elsworth
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 119 (12), 8936-8949, 2014
Induced fault reactivation by thermal perturbation in enhanced geothermal systems
Q Gan, Q Lei
Geothermics 86, 101814, 2020
Hydraulic fracturing for improved nutrient delivery in microbially-enhanced coalbed-methane (MECBM) production
S Zhi, D Elsworth, J Wang, Q Gan, S Liu
Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 60, 294-311, 2018
Investigations into mining-induced stress–fracture–seepage field coupling effect considering the response of key stratum and composite aquifer
T Zhang, Q Gan, Y Zhao, G Zhu, X Nie, K Yang, J Li
Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering 52, 4017-4031, 2019
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Articles 1–20