Verena Neder
Verena Neder
PhD student AMOLF and University of Amsterdam
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Cited by
Visible light, wide-angle graded metasurface for back reflection
NM Estakhri, V Neder, MW Knight, A Polman, A Alù
Acs Photonics 4 (2), 228-235, 2017
Efficient colored silicon solar modules using integrated resonant dielectric nanoscatterers
V Neder, SL Luxembourg, A Polman
Applied Physics Letters 111 (7), 073902, 2017
Combined Metagratings for Efficient Broad-Angle Scattering Metasurface
V Neder, Y Ra’di, A Alù, A Polman
ACS photonics 6 (4), 1010-1017, 2019
Resonant Metagratings for Spectral and Angular Control of Light for Colored Rooftop Photovoltaics
F Uleman, V Neder, A Cordaro, A Alù, A Polman
ACS Applied Energy Materials, 2020
Detailed-balance efficiency limits of two-terminal perovskite/silicon tandem solar cells with planar and Lambertian spectral splitters
V Neder, SW Tabernig, A Polman
arXiv preprint arXiv:2012.12636, 2020
Broadband angular color stability of dielectric thin film-coated pyramidal textured Si for photovoltaics
N Roosloot, V Neder, H Haug, CC You, A Polman, ES Marstein
Journal of Applied Physics 129 (17), 173104, 2021
Four-terminal perovskite/silicon tandem solar cell with integrated Mie-resonant spectral splitter metagrating
V Neder, D Zhang, S Veenstra, A Polman
arXiv preprint arXiv:2012.12649, 2020
Colored solar modules using integrated pixelated resonant dielectric nanoscatterer arrays
V Neder, SL Luxembourg, A Polman
33rd European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition, 34-37, 2017
Wide-Angle, Broadband Graded Metasurface for Back Reflection
V Neder
Dielectric metasurfaces for light management in photovoltaics
V Neder
Spectrum splitting and directivity control by optical metasurfaces integrated in photovoltaic devices (Conference Presentation)
V Neder, F Uleman, A Cordaro, A Polman
Photonics for Solar Energy Systems VIII 11366, 113660O, 2020
Lambertian scattering metasurfaces for photovoltaics (Conference Presentation)
V Neder, Y Ra'di, A Alù, A Polman
Photonics for Solar Energy Systems VII 10688, 106880J, 2018
Colored solar modules using integrated pixelated resonant dielectric nanoscatterer arrays
SL Luxembourg, A Polman, V Neder
EUPVSEC, Amsterdam, 25-29 september 2017., 4 p., 2017
Efficient colored silicon solar modules using integrated resonant dielectric nanoscatterers
SL Luxembourg, A Polman, V Neder
ECN, 2017
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Articles 1–14