Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis gen. et sp. nov., a chytrid pathogenic to amphibians JE Longcore, AP Pessier, DK Nichols Mycologia 91 (2), 219-227, 1999 | 1698 | 1999 |
Emerging infectious disease and the loss of biodiversity in a Neotropical amphibian community KR Lips, F Brem, R Brenes, JD Reeve, RA Alford, J Voyles, C Carey, ... Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 103 (9), 3165-3170, 2006 | 1521 | 2006 |
Evidence for disease-related amphibian decline in Colorado E Muths, PS Corn, AP Pessier, DE Green Biological Conservation 110 (3), 357-365, 2003 | 444 | 2003 |
Cutaneous Chytridiomycosis in Poison Dart Frogs (Dendrobates spp.) and White's Tree Frogs (Litoria Caerulea) AP Pessier, DK Nichols, JE Longcore, MS Fuller Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation 11 (2), 194-199, 1999 | 433 | 1999 |
Detection and analysis of six lizard adenoviruses by consensus primer PCR provides further evidence of a reptilian origin for the atadenoviruses JFX Wellehan, AJ Johnson, B Harrach, M Benkö, AP Pessier, ... Journal of virology 78 (23), 13366-13369, 2004 | 387 | 2004 |
Interspecific Variation in Susceptibility of Frog Tadpoles to the Pathogenic Fungus Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis AR Blaustein, JM Romansic, EA Scheessele, BA Han, AP Pessier, ... Conservation Biology 19 (5), 1460-1468, 2005 | 350 | 2005 |
Experimental Exposures of Boreal Toads (Bufo boreas) to a Pathogenic Chytrid Fungus (Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis) C Carey, JE Bruzgul, LJ Livo, ML Walling, KA Kuehl, BF Dixon, ... EcoHealth 3, 5-21, 2006 | 313 | 2006 |
Experimental transmission of cutaneous chytridiomycosis in dendrobatid frogs DK Nichols, EW Lamirande, AP Pessier, JE Longcore Journal of wildlife diseases 37 (1), 1-11, 2001 | 242 | 2001 |
Pathogenicity and Transmission of Chytridiomycosis in Tiger Salamanders (Ambystoma tigrinum) EW Davidson, M Parris, JP Collins, JE Longcore, AP Pessier, J Brunner Copeia 2003 (3), 601-607, 2003 | 225 | 2003 |
Chytridiomycosis widespread in anurans of northeastern United States JR Longcore, JE Longcore, AP Pessier, WA Halteman The Journal of wildlife management 71 (2), 435-444, 2007 | 202 | 2007 |
A reservoir species for the emerging amphibian pathogen Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis thrives in a landscape decimated by disease NMM Reeder, AP Pessier, VT Vredenburg PloS one 7 (3), e33567, 2012 | 195 | 2012 |
Ranavirus infection of free-ranging and captive box turtles and tortoises in the United States AJ Johnson, AP Pessier, JFX Wellehan, A Childress, TM Norton, ... Journal of wildlife diseases 44 (4), 851-863, 2008 | 194 | 2008 |
Seasonal pattern of Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis infection and mortality in Lithobates areolatus: Affirmation of Vredenburg's “10,000 Zoospore Rule” VC Kinney, JL Heemeyer, AP Pessier, MJ Lannoo PLoS One 6 (3), e16708, 2011 | 186 | 2011 |
A Manual for Control of Infectious Diseases in Amphibian Survival Assurance Colonies and Reintroduction Programs: Proceedings from a Workshop: 16–18 February 2009 San Diego Zoo AP Pessier, JR Mendelson IUCN/SSC Conservation Breeding Specialist Group, 2010 | 141 | 2010 |
Intersexuality and the cricket frog decline: historic and geographic trends AL Reeder, MO Ruiz, A Pessier, LE Brown, JM Levengood, CA Phillips, ... Environmental health perspectives 113 (3), 261-265, 2005 | 141 | 2005 |
First evidence of amphibian chytrid fungus (Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis) and ranavirus in Hong Kong amphibian trade JE Kolby, KM Smith, L Berger, WB Karesh, A Preston, AP Pessier, ... PloS one 9 (3), e90750, 2014 | 129 | 2014 |
An overview of amphibian skin disease AP Pessier Seminars in avian and exotic pet medicine 11 (3), 162-174, 2002 | 129 | 2002 |
PATTERNS OF MORTALITY IN FREE-RANGING CALIFORNIA CONDORS (GYMNOGYPS CALIFORNIANUS) BA Rideout, I Stalis, R Papendick, A Pessier, B Puschner, ME Finkelstein, ... Journal of Wildlife Diseases 48 (1), 95-112, 2012 | 123 | 2012 |
Hepatic Hemorrhage, Hemocoelom, and Sudden Death due to Haemoproteus Infection in Passerine Birds: Eleven Cases TA Donovan, M Schrenzel, TA Tucker, AP Pessier, IH Stalis Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation 20 (3), 304-313, 2008 | 122 | 2008 |
Experimental transmission and induction of ranaviral disease in western ornate box turtles (Terrapene ornata ornata) and red-eared sliders (Trachemys scripta elegans) AJ Johnson, AP Pessier, ER Jacobson Veterinary Pathology 44 (3), 285-297, 2007 | 110 | 2007 |