Adriana Umana-Taylor
Adriana Umana-Taylor
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Ethnic and racial identity during adolescence and into young adulthood: An integrated conceptualization
AJ Umaña‐Taylor, SM Quintana, RM Lee, WE Cross Jr, D Rivas‐Drake, ...
Child development 85 (1), 21-39, 2014
Latino adolescents’ mental health: Exploring the interrelations among discrimination, ethnic identity, cultural orientation, self-esteem, and depressive symptoms
AJ Umaña-Taylor, KA Updegraff
Journal of adolescence 30 (4), 549-567, 2007
Developing the ethnic identity scale using Eriksonian and social identity perspectives
AJ Umaña-Taylor, A Yazedjian, M Bámaca-Gómez
Identity: An international journal of theory and research 4 (1), 9-38, 2004
Ethnic and racial identity in adolescence: Implications for psychosocial, academic, and health outcomes
D Rivas‐Drake, EK Seaton, C Markstrom, S Quintana, M Syed, RM Lee, ...
Child development 85 (1), 40-57, 2014
Handbook of identity theory and research
SJ Schwartz, K Luyckx, VL Vignoles
Springer Science & Business Media, 2011
The promise of racial and ethnic protective factors in promoting ethnic minority youth development
EW Neblett Jr, D Rivas‐Drake, AJ Umaña‐Taylor
Child development perspectives 6 (3), 295-303, 2012
Ethnic and Racial Identity in the 21st Century Study Group.(2014). Ethnic and racial identity during adolescence and into young adulthood: An integrated conceptualization
AJ Umaña‐Taylor, SM Quintana, RM Lee, WE Cross, D Rivas‐Drake, ...
Child development 85 (1), 21-39, 0
Ethnic identity and self-esteem: Examining the role of social context
AJ Umaña-Taylor
Journal of adolescence 27 (2), 139-146, 2004
Examining ethnic identity among Mexican-origin adolescents living in the United States
AJ Umaña-Taylor, MA Fine
Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences 26 (1), 36-59, 2004
Ethnic and Racial Identity in the 21st Century Study Group.(2014). Ethnic and racial identity in adolescence: Implications for psychosocial, academic, and health outcomes
D Rivas-Drake, EK Seaton, C Markstrom, S Quintana, M Syed, RM Lee, ...
Child development 85 (1), 40-57, 2014
Feeling good, happy, and proud: A meta‐analysis of positive ethnic–racial affect and adjustment
D Rivas‐Drake, M Syed, A Umaña‐Taylor, C Markstrom, S French, ...
Child development 85 (1), 77-102, 2014
Ethnic–racial socialization in the family: A decade's advance on precursors and outcomes
AJ Umaña‐Taylor, NE Hill
Journal of Marriage and Family 82 (1), 244-271, 2020
Examining ethnic identity and self-esteem among biracial and monoracial adolescents
JR Bracey, MY Bamaca, AJ Umana-Taylor
Journal of youth and adolescence 33, 123-132, 2004
Ethnic identity and self-esteem of Latino adolescents: Distinctions among the Latino populations
AJ Umaña-Taylor, M Diversi, MA Fine
Journal of Adolescent Research 17 (3), 303-327, 2002
Communalism, familism, and filial piety: Are they birds of a collectivist feather?
SJ Schwartz, RS Weisskirch, EA Hurley, BL Zamboanga, IJK Park, SY Kim, ...
Cultural diversity & ethnic minority psychology 16 (4), 548, 2010
The influence of academic support on Latino adolescents’ academic motivation
EC Alfaro, AJ Umaña‐Taylor, MY Bámaca
Family Relations 55 (3), 279-291, 2006
Ethnic identity formation during adolescence: The critical role of families
AJ Umaña-Taylor, R Bhanot, N Shin
Journal of Family Issues 27 (3), 390-414, 2006
The central role of familial ethnic socialization in Latino adolescents’ cultural orientation
AJ Umaña‐Taylor, EC Alfaro, MY Bámaca, AB Guimond
Journal of Marriage and Family 71 (1), 46-60, 2009
Latino adolescents' academic success: The role of discrimination, academic motivation, and gender
EC Alfaro, AJ Umaña-Taylor, MA Gonzales-Backen, MY Bámaca, ...
Journal of adolescence 32 (4), 941-962, 2009
Studying ethnic minority and economically disadvantaged populations: Methodological challenges and best practices.
GP Knight, MW Roosa, AJ Umaña-Taylor
American Psychological Association, 2009
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Articles 1–20