Professor of Psychology, University of Waterloo
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Moral virtues, fairness heuristics, social entities, and other denizens of organizational justice
R Cropanzano, ZS Byrne, DR Bobocel, DE Rupp
Journal of vocational behavior 58 (2), 164-209, 2001
Development of organizational commitment during the first year of employment: A longitudinal study of pre-and post-entry influences
JP Meyer, DR Bobocel, NJ Allen
Journal of management 17 (4), 717-733, 1991
The merit of meritocracy.
LS Son Hing, DR Bobocel, MP Zanna, DM Garcia, SS Gee, K Orazietti
Journal of personality and social psychology 101 (3), 433, 2011
Uncertainty orientation and persuasion: individual differences in the effects of personal relevance on social judgments.
RM Sorrentino, DR Bobocel, MZ Gitta, JM Olson, EC Hewitt
Journal of Personality and social Psychology 55 (3), 357, 1988
Meritocracy and opposition to affirmative action: making concessions in the face of discrimination.
LS Son Hing, DR Bobocel, MP Zanna
Journal of personality and social psychology 83 (3), 493, 2002
Justice-based opposition to social policies: Is it genuine?
DR Bobocel, LS Son Hing, LM Davey, DJ Stanley, MP Zanna
Journal of personality and social psychology 75 (3), 653, 1998
Authoritarian dynamics and unethical decision making: high social dominance orientation leaders and high right-wing authoritarianism followers.
LS Son Hing, DR Bobocel, MP Zanna, MV McBride
Journal of personality and social psychology 92 (1), 67, 2007
Wisdom, bias, and balance: Toward a process-sensitive measurement of wisdom-related cognition.
JP Brienza, FYH Kung, HC Santos, DR Bobocel, I Grossmann
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 115 (6), 1093, 2018
Escalating commitment to a failing course of action: Separating the roles of choice and justification.
DR Bobocel, JP Meyer
Journal of Applied Psychology 79 (3), 360, 1994
Preference for the Merit Principle Scale: An individual difference measure of distributive justice preferences
LM Davey, DR Bobocel, LS Son Hing, MP Zanna
Social Justice Research 12, 223-240, 1999
On preferences and doing the right thing: Satisfaction with advantageous inequity when cognitive processing is limited
K Van den Bos, SL Peters, DR Bobocel, JF Ybema
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 42 (3), 273-289, 2006
The influence of experimentally created extrapersonal associations on the Implicit Association Test
HA Han, MA Olson, RH Fazio
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 42 (3), 259-272, 2006
Coping with unfair events constructively or destructively: The effects of overall justice and self–other orientation.
DR Bobocel
Journal of Applied Psychology 98 (5), 720, 2013
Sex-based promotion decisions and interactional fairness: Investigating the influence of managerial accounts.
DR Bobocel, AC Farrell
Journal of Applied Psychology 81 (1), 22, 1996
Wise deliberation sustains cooperation
I Grossmann, JP Brienza, DR Bobocel
Nature Human Behaviour 1 (3), 0061, 2017
Are interactional justice and procedural justice different
DR Bobocel, CM Holmvall
Theoretical and cultural perspectives on organizational justice, 85-108, 2001
How can explanations be used to foster organizational justice?
DR Bobocel, A Zdaniuk
Handbook of organizational justice, 469-498, 2013
The role of idealized influence leadership in promoting workplace forgiveness
A Zdaniuk, DR Bobocel
The Leadership Quarterly 26 (5), 863-877, 2015
What fair procedures say about me: Self-construals and reactions to procedural fairness
CM Holmvall, DR Bobocel
Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 105 (2), 147-168, 2008
Observer reactions to interpersonal injustice: The roles of perpetrator intent and victim perception
EE Umphress, AL Simmons, R Folger, R Ren, R Bobocel
Journal of Organizational Behavior 34 (3), 327-349, 2013
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Articles 1–20