Linda Bergaust
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Cited by
Regulation of denitrification at the cellular level: a clue to the understanding of N2O emissions from soils
LR Bakken, L Bergaust, B Liu, Å Frostegård
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 367 …, 2012
Denitrification response patterns during the transition to anoxic respiration and posttranscriptional effects of suboptimal pH on nitrogen oxide reductase in Paracoccus …
L Bergaust, Y Mao, LR Bakken, A Frostegård
Applied and environmental microbiology 76 (19), 6387-6396, 2010
Strains in the genus Thauera exhibit remarkably different denitrification regulatory phenotypes
B Liu, Y Mao, L Bergaust, LR Bakken, Å Frostegård
Environmental microbiology 15 (10), 2816-2828, 2013
Phenotypic and genotypic richness of denitrifiers revealed by a novel isolation strategy
P Lycus, K Lovise Bøthun, L Bergaust, J Peele Shapleigh, L Reier Bakken, ...
The ISME journal 11 (10), 2219-2232, 2017
Expression of nitrous oxide reductase in Paracoccus denitrificans is regulated by oxygen and nitric oxide through FnrP and NNR
L Bergaust, RJM van Spanning, Å Frostegård, LR Bakken
Microbiology 158 (3), 826-834, 2012
Transcription and activities of NOx reductases in Agrobacterium tumefaciens: the influence of nitrate, nitrite and oxygen availability
L Bergaust, J Shapleigh, Å Frostegård, L Bakken
Environmental microbiology 10 (11), 3070-3081, 2008
The roles of the hybrid cluster protein, Hcp and its reductase, Hcr, in high affinity nitric oxide reduction that protects anaerobic cultures of Escherichia coli against …
J Wang, CE Vine, BK Balasiny, J Rizk, CL Bradley, M Tinajero‐Trejo, ...
Molecular Microbiology 100 (5), 877-892, 2016
A bet-hedging strategy for denitrifying bacteria curtails their release of N2O
P Lycus, MJ Soriano-Laguna, M Kjos, DJ Richardson, AJ Gates, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 115 (46), 11820-11825, 2018
Denitrification in soil aggregate analogues-effect of aggregate size and oxygen diffusion
S Schlüter, S Henjes, J Zawallich, L Bergaust, M Horn, O Ippisch, ...
Frontiers in Environmental Science 6, 17, 2018
Modularity of nitrogen‐oxide reducing soil bacteria: linking phenotype to genotype
CA Roco, LL Bergaust, LR Bakken, JB Yavitt, JP Shapleigh
Environmental Microbiology 19 (6), 2507-2519, 2017
Transcriptional and metabolic regulation of denitrification in Paracoccus denitrificans allows low but significant activity of nitrous oxide reductase under oxic …
Z Qu, LR Bakken, L Molstad, Å Frostegård, LL Bergaust
Environmental Microbiology 18 (9), 2951-2963, 2016
Denitrification regulatory phenotype, a new term for the characterization of denitrifying bacteria
L Bergaust, LR Bakken, Å Frostegård
Biochemical society transactions 39 (1), 207-212, 2011
Transient Accumulation of NO2- and N2O during Denitrification Explained by Assuming Cell Diversification by Stochastic Transcription of Denitrification Genes
J Hassan, Z Qu, LL Bergaust, LR Bakken
PLoS computational biology 12 (1), e1004621, 2016
Reduction of nitrate to nitrite by microbes under oxic conditions
CA Roco, LL Bergaust, JP Shapleigh, JB Yavitt
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 100, 1-8, 2016
Metabolic modeling of denitrification in Agrobacterium tumefaciens: a tool to study inhibiting and activating compounds for the denitrification pathway
MJ Kampschreur, R Kleerebezem, C Picioreanu, L Bakken, L Bergaust, ...
Frontiers in microbiology 3, 370, 2012
Low Probability of Initiating nirS Transcription Explains Observed Gas Kinetics and Growth of Bacteria Switching from Aerobic Respiration to Denitrification
J Hassan, LL Bergaust, ID Wheat, LR Bakken
PLoS computational biology 10 (11), e1003933, 2014
Denitrifying haloarchaea within the genus Haloferax display divergent respiratory phenotypes, with implications for their release of nitrogenous gases
J Torregrosa‐Crespo, C Pire, RM Martínez‐Espinosa, L Bergaust
Environmental microbiology 21 (1), 427-436, 2019
Homeostatic control of nitric oxide (NO) at nanomolar concentrations in denitrifying bacteria–modelling and experimental determination of NO reductase kinetics in vivo in P …
J Hassan, LL Bergaust, L Molstad, S de Vries, LR Bakken
Environmental Microbiology 18 (9), 2964-2978, 2016
Denitrifying haloarchaea: sources and sinks of nitrogenous gases
J Torregrosa-Crespo, L Bergaust, C Pire, RM Martínez-Espinosa
FEMS microbiology letters 365 (3), fnx270, 2018
Role of norEF in Denitrification, Elucidated by Physiological Experiments with Rhodobacter sphaeroides
LL Bergaust, A Hartsock, B Liu, LR Bakken, JP Shapleigh
Journal of Bacteriology 196 (12), 2190-2200, 2014
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Articles 1–20