Mansour Edraki
Mansour Edraki
Sustainable Minerals Institute, The University of Queensland
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Designing mine tailings for better environmental, social and economic outcomes: a review of alternative approaches
M Edraki, T Baumgartl, E Manlapig, D Bradshaw, DM Franks, CJ Moran
Journal of Cleaner Production 84, 411-420, 2014
Re-thinking mining waste through an integrative approach led by circular economy aspirations
M Tayebi-Khorami, M Edraki, G Corder, A Golev
Minerals 9 (5), 286, 2019
Transparency on greenhouse gas emissions from mining to enable climate change mitigation
M Azadi, SA Northey, SH Ali, M Edraki
Nature Geoscience 13 (2), 100-104, 2020
Comparative sorption of Pb and Cd by biochars and its implication for metal immobilization in soils
JH Park, G Choppala, SJ Lee, N Bolan, JW Chung, M Edraki
Water, Air, & Soil Pollution 224, 1-12, 2013
Hydrochemistry, mineralogy and sulfur isotope geochemistry of acid mine drainage at the Mt. Morgan mine environment, Queensland, Australia
M Edraki, SD Golding, KA Baublys, MG Lawrence
Applied Geochemistry 20 (4), 789-805, 2005
Development of a textural index for the prediction of acid rock drainage
AK Parbhakar-Fox, M Edraki, S Walters, D Bradshaw
Minerals Engineering 24 (12), 1277-1287, 2011
Investigating the settling behaviour of saline tailing suspensions using kaolinite, bentonite, and illite clay minerals
D Liu, M Edraki, L Berry
Powder Technology 326, 228-236, 2018
Mapping and prioritising rehabilitation of abandoned mines in Australia
C Unger, AM Lechner, V Glenn, M Edraki, DR Mulligan
Proceedings Life-of-Mine, 259-266, 2012
Phytoextraction of high value elements and contaminants from mining and mineral wastes: opportunities and limitations
A Corzo Remigio, RL Chaney, AJM Baker, M Edraki, PD Erskine, ...
Plant and Soil 449, 11-37, 2020
The application of coal combustion by-products in mine site rehabilitation
JH Park, M Edraki, D Mulligan, HS Jang
Journal of Cleaner Production 84, 761-772, 2014
A review of tungsten resources and potential extraction from mine waste
Z Han, A Golev, M Edraki
Minerals 11 (7), 701, 2021
Guidance for the integrated use of hydrological, geochemical, and isotopic tools in mining operations
C Wolkersdorfer, DK Nordstrom, RD Beckie, DS Cicerone, T Elliot, ...
Mine Water and the Environment 39 (2), 204-228, 2020
Improved water recovery: A review of clay-rich tailings and saline water interactions
D Liu, M Edraki, P Fawell, L Berry
Powder Technology 364, 604-621, 2020
Identification of acid rock drainage sources through mesotextural classification at abandoned mines of Croydon, Australia: Implications for the rehabilitation of waste rock …
AK Parbhakar-Fox, M Edraki, K Hardie, O Kadletz, T Hall
Journal of Geochemical Exploration 137, 11-28, 2014
Staged electrochemical treatment guided by modelling allows for targeted recovery of metals and rare earth elements from acid mine drainage
ET Brewster, S Freguia, M Edraki, L Berry, P Ledezma
Journal of Environmental Management 275, 111266, 2020
Understanding the salinity issue of coal mine spoils in the context of salt cycle
X Li, JH Park, M Edraki, T Baumgartl
Environmental geochemistry and health 36, 453-465, 2014
Environmental geochemistry of the abandoned Mamut copper mine (Sabah) Malaysia
A van Der Ent, M Edraki
Environmental geochemistry and health 40, 189-207, 2018
An integrated approach of predicting metallurgical performance relating to variability in deposit characteristics
K Tungpalan, E Manlapig, M Andrusiewicz, L Keeney, E Wightman, ...
Minerals Engineering 71, 49-54, 2015
Historical socio-environmental assessment of resource development footprints using remote sensing
AM Lechner, J Owen, MLE Ang, M Edraki, NAC Awang, D Kemp
Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment 15, 100236, 2019
Effect of surface oxidation on the flotation response of enargite in a complex ore system
M Tayebi-Khorami, E Manlapig, E Forbes, M Edraki, D Bradshaw
Minerals Engineering 119, 149-155, 2018
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Articles 1–20