Jessie Sun
Cited by
Cited by
Is Well-Being Associated with the Quantity and Quality of Social Interactions?
J Sun, K Harris, S Vazire
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 119 (6), 1478–1496, 2020
Unique Associations Between Big Five Personality Aspects and Multiple Dimensions of Well-Being
J Sun, SB Kaufman, LD Smillie
Journal of Personality 86 (2), 158-172, 2018
Mindfulness in Context: A Historical Discourse Analysis
J Sun
Contemporary Buddhism 15 (2), 394-415, 2014
Strengths and subjective wellbeing in adolescence: Strength-based parenting and the moderating effect of mindset
HK Jach, J Sun, D Loton, TC Chin, LE Waters
Journal of Happiness Studies 19 (2), 567-586, 2018
The Language of Well-Being: Tracking Fluctuations in Emotion Experience through Everyday Speech
J Sun, HA Schwartz, Y Son, ML Kern, S Vazire
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 2020
Costs and benefits of acting extraverted: A randomized controlled trial.
R Jacques-Hamilton, J Sun, LD Smillie
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 2018
Registered Replication Report: Dijksterhuis and van Knippenberg (1998)
M O’Donnell, LD Nelson, E Ackermann, B Aczel, A Akhtar, S Aldrovandi, ...
Perspectives on Psychological Science 13 (2), 268-294, 2018
Can a brief strength-based parenting intervention boost self-efficacy and positive emotions in parents?
L Waters, J Sun
International Journal of Applied Positive Psychology 1 (1), 41-56, 2016
Do people know what they’re like in the moment?
J Sun, S Vazire
Psychological science 30 (3), 405-414, 2019
Positive education
L Waters, J Sun, R Rusk, A Cotton, A Arch
Wellbeing, recovery and mental health, 245-264, 2017
Do People Want to Be More Moral?
J Sun, G Goodwin
Psychological Science, 2020
Eavesdropping on Missing Data: What Are University Students Doing When They Miss Experience Sampling Reports?
J Sun, M Rhemtulla, S Vazire
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 0146167220964639, 2020
Integrating self‐determination theory and the theory of planned behaviour to predict intention to donate blood
LA Williams, J Sun, B Masser
Transfusion Medicine 29, 59-64, 2019
The Pleasure of Making a Difference: Perceived Social Contribution Explains the Relation Between Extraverted Behavior and Positive Affect.
J Sun, K Stevenson, R Kabbani, B Richardson, LD Smillie
Emotion, 2017
(Not) hearing happiness: Predicting fluctuations in happy mood from acoustic cues using machine learning
AC Weidman, J Sun, S Vazire, J Quoidbach, LH Ungar, EW Dunn
Emotion, 2019
Peer-Review Guidelines Promoting Replicability and Transparency in Psychological Science
WE Davis, R Giner-Sorolla, DS Lindsay, JP Lougheed, MC Makel, ...
Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science 1 (4), 556-573, 2018
Why has personality psychology played an outsized role in the credibility revolution?
OE Atherton, JM Chung, K Harris, JM Rohrer, DM Condon, F Cheung, ...
Personality science 2 (1), e6001, 2021
Revisiting the Effect of Anthropomorphizing a Social Cause Campaign
LA Williams, B Masser, J Sun
PLOS ONE 10 (9), e0138886, 2015
Personality Evaluated: What Do People Most Like and Dislike About Themselves and Their Friends?
J Sun, B Neufeld, P Snelgrove, S Vazire
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 122 (4), 731–748, 2022
How and why people want to be more moral
J Sun, J Wilt, P Meindl, HM Watkins, GP Goodwin
Journal of Personality 92 (3), 907-925, 2024
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Articles 1–20