Arturo Ernest Schultz
Arturo Ernest Schultz
Professor & Chair of Civil & Environmental Engineering, University of Texas at San Antonio
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Performance of masonry buildings and churches in the 22 february 2011 christchurch earthquake
D Dizhur, J Ingham, L Moon, M Griffith, A Schultz, I Senaldi, G Magenes, ...
Self-centering behavior of unbonded, post-tensioned precast concrete shear walls
B Erkmen, AE Schultz
Journal of Earthquake Engineering 13 (7), 1047-1064, 2009
Behavior of shear studs in steel frames with reinforced concrete infill walls
WK Saari, JF Hajjar, AE Schultz, CK Shield
Journal of Constructional Steel Research 60 (10), 1453-1480, 2004
Cyclic behavior of steel frame structures with composite reinforced concrete infill walls and partially-restrained connections
X Tong, JF Hajjar, AE Schultz, CK Shield
Journal of Constructional Steel Research 61 (4), 531-552, 2005
Improved coefficient of restitution estimation for free rocking members
D Kalliontzis, S Sritharan, A Schultz
Journal of Structural Engineering 142 (12), 06016002, 2016
Experimental investigation of the web-shear strength of deep hollow-core units.
KD Palmer, AE Schultz
PCI journal 56 (4), 2011
Nonlinear Finite-Element Analysis of Critical Gusset Plates in the I-35W Bridge in Minnesota
M Liao, T Okazaki, R Ballarini, AE Schultz, TV Galambos
Journal of Structural Engineering 137 (1), 59-68, 2010
Influence of transverse loading on the stability of slender unreinforced masonry walls
JRB Popehn, AE Schultz, M Lu, HK Stolarski, NJ Ojard
Engineering Structures 30 (10), 2830-2839, 2008
Bridge health monitoring and inspections–a survey of methods
A Gastineau, T Johnson, A Schultz
Minnesota Department of Transportation, 2009
Approximating lateral stiffness of stories in elastic frames
AE Schultz
Journal of Structural Engineering 118 (1), 243-263, 1992
Measurement and analysis of distortion-induced fatigue in multigirder steel bridges
D Jajich, AE Schultz
Journal of Bridge Engineering 8 (2), 84-91, 2003
Overview of prestressed masonry
AE Schultz, MJ Scolforo
Masonry Soc. J. 10 (1), 6-21, 1991
Finite element modeling of prestressed concrete spandrel beams
B Mercan, AE Schultz, HK Stolarski
Engineering Structures 32 (9), 2804-2813, 2010
Seismic behavior of connections in precast concrete walls
AE Schultz, RA Magana
Special Publication 162, 273-312, 1996
Seismic performance of masonry walls with bed joint reinforcement
AE Schultz, RS Hutchinson, G Cheok
A E. Schultz, R S. Hutchinson, Geraldine Cheok, 1998
Factors affecting web-shear capacity of deep hollow-core units.
KD Palmer
PCI journal 55 (2), 2010
Behavior of slender, posttensioned masonry walls under transverse loading
JRB Popehn, AE Schultz, CR Drake
Journal of Structural Engineering 133 (11), 1541-1550, 2007
Characterizing the in-plane rocking response of masonry walls with unbonded posttensioning
D Kalliontzis, AE Schultz
Journal of Structural Engineering 143 (9), 04017110, 2017
Analysis of the influence of tensile strength on the stability of eccentrically compressed slender unreinforced masonry walls under lateral loads
M Lu, AE Schultz, HK Stolarski
Journal of Structural Engineering 130 (6), 921-933, 2004
Shear strength expression for partially grouted masonry walls
M Bolhassani, AA Hamid, C Johnson, AE Schultz
Engineering Structures 127, 475-494, 2016
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Articles 1–20