Bryan P. McCormick
Bryan P. McCormick
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Development of a scale to measure memorable tourism experiences
JH Kim, JRB Ritchie, B McCormick
Journal of Travel research 51 (1), 12-25, 2012
The Influences of Family Leisure Patterns on Perceptions of Family Functioning*
RB Zabriskie, BP McCormick
Family relations 50 (3), 281-289, 2001
Parent and child perspectives of family leisure involvement and satisfaction with family life
RB Zabriskie, BP McCormick
Journal of Leisure Research 35 (2), 163-189, 2003
Daily experience of serious leisure, flow and subjective well‐being of older adults
J Heo, Y Lee, BP McCormick, PM Pedersen
Leisure studies 29 (2), 207-225, 2010
Identity negotiating: Redefining stigmatized identities through adaptive sports and recreation participation among individuals with a disability
NR Lundberg, S Taniguchi, BP McCormick, C Tibbs
Journal of Leisure Research 43 (2), 205-225, 2011
Metacognition and social function in schizophrenia: associations of mastery with functional skills competence
PH Lysaker, BP McCormick, G Snethen, KD Buck, JA Hamm, M Grant, ...
Schizophrenia Research 131 (1-3), 214-218, 2011
Flow experience in the daily lives of older adults: An analysis of the interaction between flow, individual differences, serious leisure, location, and social context
J Heo, Y Lee, PM Pedersen, BP McCormick
Canadian Journal on Aging/La Revue canadienne du vieillissement 29 (3), 411-423, 2010
Outdoor experiential therapies: Implications for TR practice
AW Ewert, BP McCormick, AE Voight
Therapeutic Recreation Journal 35 (2), 107-122, 2001
Validation of a patient satisfaction questionnaire in primary health care
M Vuković, BS Gvozdenović, T Gajić, BS Gajić, M Jakovljević, ...
Public health 126 (8), 710-718, 2012
The association of depression stigma with barriers to seeking mental health care: A cross-sectional analysis
JM Arnaez, AC Krendl, BP McCormick, Z Chen, AK Chomistek
Journal of Mental Health 29 (2), 182-190, 2020
Does attitude toward epilepsy mediate the relationship between perceived stigma and mental health outcomes in children with epilepsy?
JA Funderburk, BP McCormick, JK Austin
Epilepsy & Behavior 11 (1), 71-76, 2007
Subjective well-being of people with spinal cord injury-does leisure contribute?
Y Lee, B McCormick
Journal of Rehabilitation 70 (3), 2004
Physical activity and psychiatric symptoms in adults with schizophrenia spectrum disorders
GA Snethen, BP McCormick, PH Lysaker
The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease 202 (12), 845-852, 2014
Activity characteristics and emotional experience: Predicting boredom and anxiety in the daily life of community mental health clients
BP McCormick, JA Funderburk, Y Lee, M Hale-Fought
Journal of Leisure Research 37 (2), 236-253, 2005
Contribution of community integration to quality of life for participants of community-based adaptive sport programs
S Chun, Y Lee, N Lundberg, B McCormick, J Heo
Therapeutic Recreation Journal 42 (4), 217-226, 2008
Adaptive sport as serious leisure: Do self-determination, skill level, and leisure constraints matter
J Heo, Y Lee, N Lundberg, B McCormick, S Chun
Annual in Therapeutic Recreation 16, 31-38, 2008
Community involvement, planning and coping skills: Pilot outcomes of a recreational-therapy intervention for adults with schizophrenia
G Snethen, BP McCormick, M Van Puymbroeck
Disability and rehabilitation 34 (18), 1575-1584, 2012
Contribution of social support and recreation companionship to the life satisfaction of people with persistent mental illness
BP McCormick
Therapeutic Recreation Journal 33 (4), 304-319, 1999
Self-experience as leisure constraint: The case of Alcoholics Anonymous
B McCormick
Journal of Leisure Research 23 (4), 345-362, 1991
Leisure in community life of older rural residents
BP McCormick, F McGuire
Leisure Sciences 18 (1), 77-93, 1996
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