Meghan A. Thornton-Lugo
Meghan A. Thornton-Lugo
Assistant Professor of Management, University of Texas at San Antonio
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Cited by
Applicants' and employees' reactions to corporate social responsibility: The moderating effects of first‐party justice perceptions and moral identity
DE Rupp, R Shao, MA Thornton, DP Skarlicki
Personnel psychology 66 (4), 895-933, 2013
Classifying adolescents’ conceptions of purpose in life
PL Hill, AL Burrow, AC O’Dell, MA Thornton
The Journal of Positive Psychology 5 (6), 466-473, 2010
Amazon Mechanical Turk for industrial and organizational psychology: Advantages, challenges, and practical recommendations
SE Woo, M Keith, MA Thornton
Industrial and Organizational Psychology 8 (2), 171-179, 2015
The joint effects of justice climate, group moral identity, and corporate social responsibility on the prosocial and deviant behaviors of groups
MA Thornton, DE Rupp
Journal of Business Ethics 137, 677-697, 2016
Multifoci justice and target similarity: Emerging research and extensions
JJ Lavelle, DE Rupp, J Manegold, MA Thornton
The Oxford handbook of justice in the workplace, 165-186, 2015
Organizational justice and organizational
R Cropanzano, DE Rupp, MA Thornton-Lugo, R Shao
The Oxford handbook of organizational citizenship behavior 4 (3), 255, 2018
Multifoci effects of injustice on counterproductive work behaviors and the moderating roles of symbolization and victim sensitivity
JJ Lavelle, CM Harris, DE Rupp, DN Herda, RF Young, MB Hargrove, ...
Journal of Organizational Behavior 39 (8), 1022-1039, 2018
The morality of corporate environmental sustainability: A psychological and philosophical perspective
N Pandey, DE Rupp, MA Thornton
Green Organizations, 69-92, 2013
Organizational justice
DE Rupp, M Thornton
Oxford University Press, 2012
19 The Role of Employee Justice Perceptions in Influencing Climate and Culture
DE Rupp, MA Thornton
The Oxford handbook of organizational climate and culture, 360, 2014
The characteristics of quality scholarly submissions: Considerations of author team composition and decision making
DE Rupp, MA Thornton, SG Rogelberg, JL Olien, G Berka
Journal of Management 40 (6), 1501-1510, 2014
An inductive exploration of manuscript quality and publication success in small research teams
G Berka, J Olien, SG Rogelberg, DE Rupp, MA Thornton
Journal of Business and Psychology 29, 725-731, 2014
The communication of justice, injustice, and necessary evils: an empirical examination
MA Thornton-Lugo, DE Rupp
SAGE Open 11 (3), 21582440211040796, 2021
Catalyzing ethical behavior among journal editors in the organizational sciences and beyond
MA Thornton, OJ Stewart, DE Rupp, SG Rogelberg
Journal of Information Ethics 23 (2), 9, 2014
Makeup calls in organizations: An application of justice to the study of bad calls.
MA Thornton-Lugo, MW McCarter, JR Clark, W Luse, SJ Hyde, ...
Journal of Applied Psychology 108 (3), 374, 2023
Beyond victims and perpetrators
MA Thornton-Lugo, D Munjal
Industrial and Organizational Psychology 11 (1), 116-122, 2018
Multifoci justice and target similarity
JJ Lavelle, DE Rupp, J Manegold, MA Thornton
The Oxford Handbook of Justice in the Workplace, 2013
Pursuing multiple goals during the commute: A dynamic self-regulatory perspective
MT Nolan, JM Diefendorff, M Thornton-Lugo, D Hynes, M Prezuhy, ...
Organizational Psychology Review 13 (2), 99-124, 2023
Seeking a friend and ally
SJ Hyde, E Bachura, DK Fudge Kamal, MA Thornton-Lugo
Academy of Management Proceedings 2021 (1), 15873, 2021
Testing the boundary conditions of justice climate effects: The moderating role of moral identity and corporate social responsibility
MA Thornton
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Articles 1–20