Eunkyoung Jee
Cited by
Cited by
Challenges and Research Directions in Medical Cyber–Physical Systems
I Lee, O Sokolsky, S Chen, J Hatcliff, E Jee, BG Kim, A King, ...
Proceedings of the IEEE 100 (1), 75-90, 2012
Formal modeling and verification of safety-critical software
J Yoo, E Jee, S Cha
IEEE software 26 (3), 42-49, 2009
Assurance cases in model-driven development of the pacemaker software
E Jee, I Lee, O Sokolsky
Leveraging Applications of Formal Methods, Verification, and Validation: 4th …, 2010
A data flow-based structural testing technique for FBD programs
E Jee, J Yoo, S Cha, D Bae
Information and Software Technology 51 (7), 1131-1139, 2009
A verification framework for fbd based software in nuclear power plants
J Yoo, S Cha, E Jee
Software Engineering Conference, 2008. APSEC'08. 15th Asia-Pacific, 385-392, 2008
Automated test case generation for FBD programs implementing reactor protection system software
E Jee, D Shin, S Cha, JS Lee, DH Bae
Software Testing, Verification and Reliability 24 (8), 608-628, 2014
A safety-assured development approach for real-time software
E Jee, S Wang, JK Kim, J Lee, O Sokolsky, I Lee
Embedded and Real-Time Computing Systems and Applications (RTCSA), 2010 IEEE …, 2010
FBDVerifier: Interactive and visual analysis of counter-example in formal verification of function block diagram
E Jee, S Jeon, S Cha, K Koh, J Yoo, G Park, P Seong
Journal of Research and Practice in Information Technology 42 (3), 171-188, 2010
Verification of plc programs written in fbd with vis
J Yoo, S Cha, E Jee
Nuclear Engineering and Technology, 79-90, 2009
Formal modeling and verification of a federated byzantine agreement algorithm for blockchain platforms
J Yoo, Y Jung, D Shin, M Bae, E Jee
2019 IEEE International Workshop on Blockchain Oriented Software Engineering …, 2019
Empirical evaluation on FBD model-based test coverage criteria using mutation analysis
D Shin, E Jee, DH Bae
Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems: 15th International …, 2012
Automated test coverage measurement for reactor protection system software implemented in function block diagram
E Jee, S Kim, S Cha, I Lee
Computer Safety, Reliability, and Security: 29th International Conference …, 2010
Control and data flow testing on function block diagrams
E Jee, J Yoo, S Cha
International Conference on Computer Safety, Reliability, and Security, 67-80, 2005
Modeling and verification for different types of system of systems using prism
D Seo, D Shin, YM Baek, J Song, W Yun, J Kim, E Jee, DH Bae
Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Software Engineering for …, 2016
Fault tree analysis of KNICS RPS software
GY Park, KY Koh, EY Jee, PH Seong, KC Kwon, DH Lee
Nuclear Engineering and Technology 40 (5), 397-408, 2008
FBDTester 2.0: Automated test sequence generation for FBD programs with internal memory states
J Song, E Jee, DH Bae
Science of Computer Programming 163, 115-137, 2018
Safety analysis of safety-critical software for nuclear digital protection system
GY Park, JS Lee, SW Cheon, KC Kwon, E Jee, KY Koh
Computer Safety, Reliability, and Security: 26th International Conference …, 2007
Comprehensive analysis of FBD test coverage criteria using mutants
D Shin, E Jee, DH Bae
Software & Systems Modeling 15, 631-645, 2016
Timing consistency checking for UML/MARTE behavioral models
J Choi, E Jee, DH Bae
Software Quality Journal 24, 835-876, 2016
A runtime verification framework for dynamically adaptive multi-agent systems
YJ Lim, G Hong, D Shin, E Jee, DH Bae
2016 International Conference on Big Data and Smart Computing (BigComp), 509-512, 2016
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Articles 1–20