Joan Fons
Cited by
Cited by
Autonomic computing through reuse of variability models at runtime: The case of smart homes
C Cetina, P Giner, J Fons, V Pelechano
Computer 42 (10), 37-43, 2009
Development of web applications from web enhanced conceptual schemas
J Fons, V Pelechano, M Albert, O Pastor
Conceptual Modeling-ER 2003, 232-245, 2003
Developing mobile workflow support in the internet of things
P Giner, C Cetina, J Fons, V Pelechano
IEEE Pervasive Computing, 18-26, 2010
Conceptual modelling of web applications: the OOWS approach
O Pastor, J Fons, V Pelechano, S Abrahão
Web Engineering, 277-302, 2006
Applying software product lines to build autonomic pervasive systems
C Cetina, J Fons, V Pelechano
Software Product Line Conference, 2008. SPLC'08. 12th International, 117-126, 2008
An object-oriented approach to automate web applications development
O Pastor, S Abrahão, J Fons
Electronic Commerce and Web Technologies, 16-28, 2001
Oows: A method to develop web applications from web-oriented conceptual models
O Pastor, J Fons, V Pelechano
International Workshop on Web Oriented Software Technology (IWWOST), 65-70, 2003
From user requirements to user interfaces: A methodological approach
JS Díaz, OP López, JJ Fons
Advanced Information Systems Engineering, 60-75, 2001
Using feature models for developing self-configuring smart homes
C Cetina, P Giner, J Fons, V Pelechano
Autonomic and Autonomous Systems, 2009. ICAS'09. Fifth International …, 2009
Model driven development of pervasive systems
J Munoz, V Pelechano, J Fons
International Workshop on Model-Based Methodologies for Pervasive and …, 2004
Building E-commerce applications from object-oriented conceptual models
O Pastor, S Abrahão, J Fons
ACM SIGecom Exchanges 2 (2), 28-36, 2001
Applying the OOWS model-driven approach for developing web applications. The internet movie database case study
J Fons, V Pelechano, O Pastor, P Valderas, V Torres
Web Engineering: Modelling and Implementing Web Applications, 65-108, 2008
Implementing UML association, aggregation, and composition. A particular interpretation based on a multidimensional framework
M Albert, V Pelechano, J Fons, M Ruiz, O Pastor
Advanced Information Systems Engineering, 143-158, 2003
Aggregation and Composition. A particular Interpretation based on a Multidimensional Framework
M Albert, V Pelechano, J Fons, M Ruiz, O Pastor, ...
Proc. of the Advanced Information Systems Engineering (CAiSE'03), 2003
A MDA-based environment for web applications development: from conceptual models to code
F Valverde, P Valderas, J Fons, O Pastor
6th International Workshop on Web-Oriented Software Technologies, Como …, 2007
Developing mobile business processes for the internet of things
P Giner, C Cetina, J Fons, V Pelechano
Pervasive Computing, IEEE 9 (2), 18-26, 2010
Specifying conceptual interface patterns in an object-oriented method with automatic code generation
PJ Molina, O Pastor, S Marti, JJ Fons, E Insfram
User Interfaces to Data Intensive Systems, 2001. UIDIS 2001. Proceedings …, 2001
Designing and prototyping dynamic software product lines: techniques and guidelines
C Cetina, P Giner, J Fons, V Pelechano
Software Product Lines: Going Beyond, 331-345, 2010
Transforming web requirements into navigational models: AN MDA based approach
P Valderas, J Fons, V Pelechano
Conceptual Modeling–ER 2005, 320-336, 2005
From web requirements to navigational design–a transformational approach
P Valderas, J Fons, V Pelechano
Web Engineering, 506-511, 2005
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Articles 1–20