Scott Meinke
Scott Meinke
Professor of Political Science, Bucknell University
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The effects of political representation on the electoral advantages of House incumbents
JM Box-Steffensmeier, DC Kimball, SR Meinke, K Tate
Political Research Quarterly 56 (3), 259-270, 2003
Institutional change and the electoral connection in the Senate: Revisiting the effects of direct election
SR Meinke
Political Research Quarterly 61 (3), 445-457, 2008
Term limits, professionalization, and partisan control in US state legislatures
SR Meinke, EB Hasecke
The Journal of Politics 65 (3), 898-908, 2003
State delegate selection rules for presidential nominations, 1972–2000
SR Meinke, JK Staton, ST Wuhs
The Journal of Politics 68 (1), 180-193, 2006
Collegial Influence and Judicial Voting Change: The Effect of Membership Change on US Supreme Court Justices
SR Meinke, KM Scott
Law & Society Review 41 (4), 909-938, 2007
Slavery, partisanship, and procedure in the US House: the gag rule, 1836–1845
SR Meinke
Legislative Studies Quarterly 32 (1), 33-57, 2007
Influencing from impaired administrations: Presidents, White House scandals, and legislative leadership
SR Meinke, WD Anderson
Legis. Stud. Q. 26, 639, 2001
Long‐Term Change and Stability in House Voting Decisions: The Case of the Minimum Wage
SR Meinke
Legislative Studies Quarterly 30 (1), 103-126, 2005
Data analysis and data visualization as active learning in political science
AL Henshaw, SR Meinke
Journal of Political Science Education 14 (4), 423-439, 2018
Leadership Organizations in the House of Representatives: Party Participation and Partisan Politics
S Meinke
University of Michigan Press, 2016
Presentation of Partisanship: Constituency Connections and Partisan Congressional Activity*
SR Meinke
Social Science Quarterly 90 (4), 854-867, 2009
Who Whips? Party Government and the House Extended Whip Networks
SR Meinke
American Politics Research 36 (5), 639-668, 2008
Virtual field trips: Bringing college students and policymakers together through interactive technology
JM Box-Steffensmeier, JT Grant, SR Meinke, AR Tomlinson
PS: Political Science & Politics 33 (4), 829-834, 2000
Congressional Endorsements in the Presidential Nomination Process Democratic Superdelegates in the 2008 Election
EB Hasecke, SR Meinke, KM Scott
American Politics Research 41 (1), 99-121, 2013
Distributive Politics and Party Participation in the US House
SR Meinke
American Politics Research 46 (4), 671-694, 2018
How congressional leaders define loyalty: validating US House party voting scores with party leadership records
SR Meinke
The Journal of Legislative Studies 30 (1), 115-127, 2024
The rise of multiple-measures rules in the House of Representatives
SR Meinke
Congress & the Presidency 49 (1), 31-59, 2022
The Changing Roles of House Party Leadership Organizations: The House Republican Policy Committee
SR Meinke
Congress & the Presidency 41 (2), 190-222, 2014
Party Size and Constituency Representation: Evidence from the 19th‐Century US House of Representatives
SR Meinke
Legislative Studies Quarterly 37 (2), 175-197, 2012
The Origins and Consequences of Congressional Party Election Agendas
SR Meinke
Elements in American Politics, 2023
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Articles 1–20