Srivats Shukla
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Cited by
Hierarchical Decentralized Control for Enhanced Rotor Angle and Voltage Stability of Large-Scale Power Systems
S Shukla, L Mili
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2017
Construction of a microgrid communication network
S Shukla, Y Deng, S Shukla, L Mili
ISGT 2014, 1-5, 2014
Efficient method for extracting network information from the CIM asset model
S Shukla, MG Yao
2016 IEEE Power & Energy Society Innovative Smart Grid Technologies …, 2016
A hierarchical decentralized coordinated voltage instability detection scheme for SVC
S Shukla, L Mili
2015 North American Power Symposium (NAPS), 1-6, 2015
Cost-Benefit Analysis of Conservation Voltage Reduction Incorporated in Open Modeling Framework
S Shukla, F Eldali, D Pinney
2018 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting (PESGM), 1-5, 2018
Systems and methods for distributed-solar power forecasting using parameter regularization
S Shukla, Y Kim, A Deng
US Patent 11,105,958, 2021
Quantifying a combined effect of interdependent uncertain resources in an electrical power grid
A Goyal, FL Heng, Y Kim, T Kumar, MA Lavin, S Shukla, WS Wadman, ...
US Patent 10,521,525, 2019
Forecasting wind turbine curtailment
Y Kim, S Shukla, LA Treinish
US Patent 11,017,315, 2021
Deducing historical correlations for realistic stochastic forecasting of intermittent energy sources
WS Wadman, Y Kim, MA Lavin, S Shukla, FL Heng, U Insights
2017 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting, 1-5, 2017
Improvement of system reliability using SoC technique
S Shukla, DN Vishwakarma, SC Gupta
2010 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology, 229-234, 2010
Development of a novel single chip solution for a motor protection relay
S Shukla, DN Vishwakarma
2009 International Conference on Power Engineering, Energy and Electrical …, 2009
Systems and methods for distributed-solar power forecasting using parameter regularization
S Shukla, Y Kim, A Deng
US Patent 11,689,154, 2023
System and method for congestion forecasting in electrical networks
S Shukla, MG Yao, MA Lavin, R Ambrosio
US Patent 10,923,915, 2021
A Globally Relocatable High-Resolution WRF Realtime Forecast System for Renewable Energy
Aijun Deng, Younghun Kim, Srivats Shukla, Wander Wadman, Ali Mohammed
Joint WRF and MPAS Users' Workshop, 2018
Hierarchical Decentralized Control for Enhanced Stability of Large-Scale Power Systems
S Shukla
Virginia Tech, 2017
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Articles 1–15