Loreto A. Correa
Loreto A. Correa
Universidad Mayor, Chile
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The modulating role of group stability on fitness effects of group size is different in females and males of a communally rearing rodent
LA Ebensperger, LA Correa, C León, J Ramírez‐Estrada, S Abades, ...
Journal of Animal Ecology 85 (6), 1502-1515, 2016
Social dominance and behavioral consequences of intrauterine position in female groups of the social rodent Octodon degus
LA Correa, MJ Frugone, M Soto-Gamboa
Physiology & behavior 119, 161-167, 2013
A case of allosuckling in wild guanacos (Lama guanicoe)
B Zapata, G Gaete, LA Correa, BA González, LA Ebensperger
Journal of ethology 27, 295-297, 2009
Social structure in a family group of Guanaco (Lama guanicoe, Ungulate): Is female hierarchy based on ‘prior attributes’ or ‘social dynamics’?
LA Correa, B Zapata, H Samaniego, M Soto-Gamboa
Behavioural Processes 98, 92-97, 2013
Allosuckling allows growing offspring to compensate for insufficient maternal milk in farmed guanacos (Lama guanicoe)
B Zapata, L Correa, M Soto-Gamboa, BA González, LA Ebensperger
Applied Animal Behaviour Science 122 (2-4), 119-126, 2010
Trophic interactions of the endangered Southern river otter (Lontra provocax) in a Chilean Ramsar wetland inferred from prey sampling, fecal analysis, and stable …
M Franco, G Guevara, L Correa, M Soto-Gamboa
Naturwissenschaften 100, 299-310, 2013
Multiple mating is linked to social setting and benefits the males in a communally rearing mammal
LA Ebensperger, LA Correa, Á Ly Prieto, F Pérez de Arce, S Abades, ...
Behavioral Ecology 30 (3), 675-687, 2019
Male group members are costly to plurally breeding Octodon degus females
LD Hayes, LA Correa, S Abades, CL Gao, LA Ebensperger
Behaviour 156 (1), 1-36, 2019
Masculinized females produce heavier offspring in a group living rodent
LA Correa, C Leon, J Ramírez‐Estrada, M Soto‐Gamboa, RD Sepulveda, ...
Journal of Animal Ecology 85 (6), 1552-1562, 2016
Energy metabolism and the postprandial response of the Chilean tarantulas, Euathlus truculentus (Araneae: Theraphosidae)
RF Nespolo, L Correa, CX Pérez-Apablaza, P Cortés, JL Bartheld
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A: Molecular & Integrative …, 2011
Gastrointestinal and blood parasite determination in the guanaco (Lama guanicoe) under semi-captivity conditions
L Correa, B Zapata, M Soto-Gamboa
Tropical animal health and production 44, 11-15, 2012
Stress, sleep, and sex: a review of endocrinological research in Octodon degus
CM Bauer, LA Correa, LA Ebensperger, LM Romero
General and Comparative Endocrinology 273, 11-19, 2019
Parental care in male degus (Octodon degus) is flexible and contingent upon female care
A Aspillaga-Cid, DC Vera, LA Ebensperger, LA Correa
Physiology & Behavior 238, 113487, 2021
Mecanismos de regulación del tamaño de camada y razón de sexos en Octodon degus: efectos de la alostasis prenatal en la variación fenotípica de las crías y sus consecuecnias en …
LA Correa
Universidad Austral de Chile, 2012
Highly masculinized and younger males attain higher reproductive success in a social rodent
LA Correa, C Leon, J Ramírez-Estrada, A Ly-Prieto, S Abades, LD Hayes, ...
Behavioral Ecology 29 (3), 628-636, 2018
One for all and all for one: phenotype assortment and reproductive success in masculinized females
LA Correa, C León, J Ramírez-Estrada, Á Ly-Prieto, S Abades, LD Hayes, ...
Behavioral Ecology 32 (6), 1266-1275, 2021
The phenotypic correlates and quantitative genetics of masculinization in the rodent, Octodon degus
DA Roff, ME Wolak, LA Correa, M Soto-Gamboa
Heredity 119 (3), 136-141, 2017
Socioecological conditions predict degu social instability and provide limited cues to forecast subsequent breeding conditions
LA Ebensperger, S Abades, J Riquelme, LA Correa, LD Hayes
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 75, 1-15, 2021
Cesarean surgery and ovariohysterectomy in a precocial rodent Octodon degus
LA Correa, Á Espinoza, OA Aleuy, M Soto-Gamboa
Austral journal of veterinary sciences 55 (3), 155-166, 2023
Socially unstable conditions experienced during development prime female Octodon degus to shape the phenotype of their own offspring
LA Ebensperger, C Gómez, A Aspillaga-Cid, C León, J Ramírez-Estrada, ...
Hormones and Behavior 134, 105011, 2021
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Articles 1–20