Matthew Vaughan
Matthew Vaughan
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Cited by
Making EBSD on water ice routine
DJ Prior, K Lilly, M Seidemann, M Vaughan, L Becroft, R Easingwood, ...
Journal of microscopy 259 (3), 237-256, 2015
Sources of environmental sulfur in the groundwater system, southern New Zealand
R Tostevin, D Craw, R Van Hale, M Vaughan
Applied Geochemistry 70, 1-16, 2016
Insights into anisotropy development and weakening of ice from in‐situ p‐wave velocity monitoring during laboratory creep.
MJ Vaughan, DJ Prior, M Jefferd, N Brantut, TM Mitchell, M Seidemann
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 2017
Monitoring the temperature-dependent elastic and anelastic properties in isotropic polycrystalline ice using resonant ultrasound spectroscopy
MJ Vaughan, K Wijk, DJ Prior, MH Bowman
The Cryosphere 10 (6), 2821-2829, 2016
Novel personalized cancer vaccine platform based on Bacillus Calmette-Guerin
E Ylösmäki, M Fusciello, B Martins, S Feola, F Hamdan, J Chiaro, ...
Journal for Immunotherapy of Cancer 9 (7), 2021
Poststagnation Retreat of Kamb Ice Stream's Grounding Zone
HJ Horgan, C Hulbe, RB Alley, S Anandakrishnan, B Goodsell, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 44 (19), 9815-9822, 2017
The role of kink boundaries in the deformation and recrystallisation of polycrystalline ice
M Seidemann, DJ Prior, N Golding, WB Durham, K Lilly, MJ Vaughan
Journal of Structural Geology 136, 104010, 2020
The creep behaviour, and elastic and anelastic properties of polycrystalline ice
MJH Vaughan
University of Otago, 2017
The control of strain rate, temperature and strain on the symmetry, shape and magnitude of anisotropy developed during ice deformation
D Prior, Q Chao, L Craw, W Durham, F Sheng, N Golding, D Goldsby, ...
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 11349, 2018
Scaling ice microstructures from the laboratory to nature: cryo-EBSD on large samples.
D Prior, L Craw, D Kim, D Peyroux, C Qi, M Seidemann, L Tooley, ...
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 6040, 2017
Making Ice Creep in the Classroom
D Prior, M Vaughan, M Banjan, M Hamish Bowman, L Craw, L Tooley, ...
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 6023, 2017
Microstructure, CPO and rheology of ice: scaling from the laboratory to ice sheets and ice shelves
D Prior, M Vaughan, M Seidemann, D Peyroux, C Qi, D Kim, C Hulbe, ...
Scaling ice microstructures from the laboratory to nature: cryo-EBSD on large samples
M Seidemann, C Qi, D Peyroux, D Kim, L Craw, D Prior, P Wongpan, ...
Stress Localization and Kinking as a Potential Source of Rheological Weakening in the High-Stress Deformation of Polycrystalline Ice
M Seidemann, DJ Prior, N Golding, WB Durham, MJ Vaughan
2015 AGU Fall Meeting, 2015
Anisotropic Fabrics and Elastic Properties of Polycrystalline Ice; In-situ Ultrasonic Velocity Measurements and Resonant Ultrasound
MJ Vaughan, DJ Prior, M Seidemann, K Lilly, N Brantut, TM Mitchell, ...
2015 AGU Fall Meeting, 2015
Monitoring the Elastic Properties of Ice with Resonant Ultrasound Spectroscopy
K van Wijk, MJ Vaughan, DJ Prior
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2015, MR21B-2616, 2015
Stress Localization and Kinking as a Potential Source of Rheological Weakening in the High-Stress Deformation of Polycrystalline Ice
DJ Prior, M Seidemann, N Golding, WB Durham, MJ Vaughan
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2015, MR21B-2618, 2015
Examining Crystal Fabric Develoment in Ice: Cryo EBSD, Deformation Experiments and the Link to En-glacial Reflectivity
M Vaughan, D Prior, M Seidemann, A Gorman, K Lilly, P Langhorne, ...
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts 16, 217, 2014
Developing and testing models for creep of polycrystalline ice: new laboratory approaches
DJ Prior, TE Caswell, WB Durham, N Golding, DL Goldsby, K Lilly, ...
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2013, C43C-0690, 2013
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Articles 1–19