Gerd Kloeck
Gerd Kloeck
Hochschule Bremen
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Biocompatibility of mannuronic acid-rich alginates
G Klöck, A Pfeffermann, C Ryser, P Gröhn, B Kuttler, HJ Hahn, ...
Biomaterials 18 (10), 707-713, 1997
Production of mitogen‐contamination free alginates with variable ratios of mannuronic acid to guluronic acid by free flow electrophoresis
U Zimmermann, G Klöck, K Federlin, K Hannig, M Kowalski, RG Bretzel, ...
Electrophoresis 13 (1), 269-274, 1992
Production of purified alginates suitable for use in immunoisolated transplantation
G Klöck, H Frank, R Houben, T Zekorn, A Horcher, U Siebers, M Wöhrle, ...
Applied microbiology and biotechnology 40, 638-643, 1994
Parathyroid allotransplantation without immunosuppression
C Hasse, G Klöck, A Schlosser, U Zimmermann, M Rothmund
The Lancet 350 (9087), 1296-1297, 1997
Sensitivity of two green microalgae to copper stress: growth, oxidative and antioxidants analyses
SM Hamed, S Selim, G Klöck, H AbdElgawad
Ecotoxicology and environmental safety 144, 19-25, 2017
Zinc-induced differential oxidative stress and antioxidant responses in Chlorella sorokiniana and Scenedesmus acuminatus
SM Hamed, G Zinta, G Klöck, H Asard, S Selim, H AbdElgawad
Ecotoxicology and environmental safety 140, 256-263, 2017
Collagen-Coated Ba2+-Alginate Microcarriers for the Culture of Anchorage-Dependent Mammalian Cells
P Gröhn, G Klöck, U Zimmermann
Biotechniques 22 (5), 970-975, 1997
Non-mitogenic substance, its preparation and use
U Zimmermann, K Federlin, T Zekorn, G Klock
US Patent 6,090,793, 2000
Radial Turgor and Osmotic Pressure Profiles in Intact and Excised Roots of Aster tripolium   Pressure Probe Measurements and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance …
U Zimmermann, J Rygol, A Balling, G Klock, A Metzler, A Haase
Plant Physiology 99 (1), 186-196, 1992
Barium-cross-linked alginate beads: a simple, one-step method for successful immunoisolated transplantation of islets of Langerhans
T Zekorn, A Horcher, U Siebers, R Schnettler, G Klöck, B Hering, ...
Acta diabetologica 29, 99-106, 1992
Barium-alginate beads for immunoisolated transplantation of islets of Langerhans
T Zekorn, U Siebers, A Horcher, R Schnettler, G Klöck, RG Bretzel
Transplantation proceedings 24 (3), 937-939, 1992
Amitogenic alginates: key to first clinical application of microencapsulation technology
C Hasse, A Zielke, G Klöck, A Schlosser, P Barth, U Zimmermann, H Sitter, ...
World journal of surgery 22 (7), 659-665, 1998
Transplantation of microencapsulated islets in rats: evidence for induction of fibrotic overgrowth by islet alloantigens released from microcapsules.
A Horcher, T Zekorn, U Siebers, G Klöck, H Frank, R Houben, RG Bretzel, ...
Transplantation proceedings 26 (2), 784-786, 1994
Subcellular distribution of pyruvate‐degrading enzymes in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii studied by an improved protoplast fractionation procedure
K Kreuzberg, G Klock, D Grobheiser
Physiologia Plantarum 69 (3), 481-488, 1987
First successful xenotransplantation of microencapsulated human parathyroid tissue in experimental hypopara-thyroidism: Long-term function without immunosuppression
C Hasse, A Zielke, G Klöck, P Barth, A Schlosser, U Zimmermann, ...
Journal of microencapsulation 14 (5), 617-626, 1997
Large-scale production of Ba2+-alginate-coated islets of Langerhans for immunoisolation
P Gröhn, G Klöck, J Schmitt, U Zimmermann, A Horcher, RG Bretzel, ...
Experimental and Clinical Endocrinology & Diabetes 102 (05), 380-387, 1994
Expression pattern of extracellular matrix proteins in the pancreas of various domestic pig breeds, the Goettingen Minipig and the Wild Boar.
T Meyer, S Czub, I Chodnewska, U Beutner, W Hamelmann, G Klöck, ...
Annals of transplantation 2 (3), 17-26, 1997
Photosynthesis and apparent affinity for dissolved inorganic carbon by cells and chloroplasts of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii grown at high and low CO 2 concentrations
DF Sültemeyer, G Klöck, K Kreuzberg, HP Fock
Planta 176, 256-260, 1988
Effect of voltage and electrode material on electroflocculation of Scenedesmus acuminatus
F Bleeke, G Quante, D Winckelmann, G Klöck
Bioresources and Bioprocessing 2, 1-8, 2015
Open pond cultures of indigenous algae grown on non-arable land in an arid desert using wastewater
D Winckelmann, F Bleeke, B Thomas, C Elle, G Klöck
International Aquatic Research 7, 221-233, 2015
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Articles 1–20