Geoff Nicholls
Geoff Nicholls
Associate Professor of Statistics, University of Oxford
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Estimating mutation parameters, population history and genealogy simultaneously from temporally spaced sequence data
AJ Drummond, GK Nicholls, AG Rodrigo, W Solomon
Genetics 161 (3), 1307-1320, 2002
Isotope evidence for agricultural extensification reveals how the world's first cities were fed
AK Styring, M Charles, F Fantone, MM Hald, A McMahon, RH Meadow, ...
Nature Plants 3 (6), 1-11, 2017
From words to dates: water into wine, mathemagic or phylogenetic inference?
Q Atkinson, G Nicholls, D Welch, R Gray
Transactions of the Philological Society 103 (2), 193-219, 2005
Variability in the chronology of late Holocene Aboriginal occupation on the arid margin of southeastern Australia
SJ Holdaway, PC Fanning, M Jones, J Shiner, DC Witter, G Nicholls
Journal of archaeological Science 29 (4), 351-363, 2002
Radiocarbon dating with temporal order constraints
G Nicholls, M Jones
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series C (Applied Statistics) 50 …, 2001
Dated ancestral trees from binary trait data and their application to the diversification of languages
GK Nicholls, RD Gray
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series B: Statistical Methodology …, 2008
Sampling conductivity images via MCMC
C Fox, G Nicholls
The art and science of Bayesian image analysis, 91-100, 1997
Perfect simulation for sample-based inference
J Møller, GK Nicholls
University of Aarhus. Centre for Mathematical Physics and Stochastics …, 1999
Using temporally spaced sequences to simultaneously estimate migration rates, mutation rate and population sizes in measurably evolving populations
G Ewing, G Nicholls, A Rodrigo
Genetics 168 (4), 2407-2420, 2004
Bridge estimation of the probability density at a point
A Mira, G Nicholls
Statistica Sinica, 603-612, 2004
Prior modeling and posterior sampling in impedance imaging
GK Nicholls, C Fox
Bayesian Inference for Inverse Problems 3459, 116-127, 1998
Coupled MCMC with a randomized acceptance probability
GK Nicholls, C Fox, AM Watt
arXiv preprint arXiv:1205.6857, 2012
Statistical inversion of South Atlantic circulation in an abyssal neutral density layer
IW McKeague, G Nicholls, K Speer, R Herbei
Journal of Marine Research 63 (4), 683-704, 2005
New radiocarbon calibration software
M Jones, G Nicholls
Radiocarbon 44 (3), 663-674, 2002
Bayesian image analysis with Markov chain Monte Carlo and coloured continuum triangulation models
GK Nicholls
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B (Statistical Methodology …, 1998
Missing data in a stochastic Dollo model for binary trait data, and its application to the dating of Proto-Indo-European
RJ Ryder, GK Nicholls
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series C: Applied Statistics 60 (1 …, 2011
Scalable Bayesian inference for the inverse temperature of a hidden Potts model
M Moores, G Nicholls, A Pettitt, K Mengersen
Quantifying uncertainty in a stochastic model of vocabulary evolution
GK Nicholls, RD Gray
Phylogenetic methods and the prehistory of languages, 161-171, 2006
Exact MAP states and expectations from perfect sampling: Greig, Porteous and Seheult revisited
C Fox, GK Nicholls
AIP Conference Proceedings 568 (1), 252-263, 2001
Semi-modular inference: enhanced learning in multi-modular models by tempering the influence of components
C Carmona, G Nicholls
International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics, 4226-4235, 2020
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Articles 1–20