Maria Andreina Pacheco
Maria Andreina Pacheco
Assistant Prof (Research), Temple University
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Cited by
Association of Plasmodium falciparum kelch13 R561H genotypes with delayed parasite clearance in Rwanda: an open-label, single-arm, multicentre, therapeutic efficacy study
A Uwimana, N Umulisa, M Venkatesan, SS Svigel, Z Zhou, T Munyaneza, ...
The Lancet Infectious Diseases 21 (8), 1120-1128, 2021
Evolution of modern birds revealed by mitogenomics: timing the radiation and origin of major orders
MA Pacheco, FU Battistuzzi, M Lentino, RF Aguilar, S Kumar, ...
Molecular Biology and Evolution 28 (6), 1927-1942, 2011
On the Diversity of Malaria Parasites in African Apes and the Origin of Plasmodium falciparum from Bonobos
S Krief, AA Escalante, MA Pacheco, L Mugisha, C André, M Halbwax, ...
PLoS pathogens 6 (2), e1000765, 2010
Mode and Rate of Evolution of Haemosporidian Mitochondrial Genomes: Timing the Radiation of Avian Parasites
EAA Pacheco MA, Matta NE, Valkiunas G, Parker PG, Mello B, Stanley CE Jr ...
Molecular Biology and Evolution 35 (2), 383–403, 2018
Human migration and the spread of malaria parasites to the New World
PT Rodrigues, HO Valdivia, TC De Oliveira, JMP Alves, AMRC Duarte, ...
Scientific reports 8 (1), 1993, 2018
The Evolutionary History of Plasmodium vivax as Inferred from Mitochondrial Genomes: Parasite Genetic Diversity in the Americas
JE Taylor, MA Pacheco, DJ Bacon, MA Beg, RL Machado, RM Fairhurst, ...
Molecular biology and evolution 30 (9), 2050-2064, 2013
Malaria molecular epidemiology: lessons from the International Centers of Excellence for Malaria Research Network
AA Escalante, MU Ferreira, JM Vinetz, SK Volkman, L Cui, D Gamboa, ...
The American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene 93 (3 Suppl), 79, 2015
Timing the origin of human malarias: the lemur puzzle
MA Pacheco, FU Battistuzzi, RE Junge, OE Cornejo, CV Williams, ...
BMC evolutionary biology 11, 1-18, 2011
Accelerated diversification of nonhuman primate malarias in Southeast Asia: adaptive radiation or geographic speciation?
MP Muehlenbein, MA Pacheco, JE Taylor, SP Prall, L Ambu, S Nathan, ...
Molecular biology and evolution 32 (2), 422-439, 2015
Primers targeting mitochondrial genes of avian haemosporidians: PCR detection and differential DNA amplification of parasites belonging to different genera
MA Pacheco, AS Cepeda, R Bernotienė, IA Lotta, NE Matta, G Valkiūnas, ...
International journal for parasitology 48 (8), 657-670, 2018
Malarial parasite diversity in chimpanzees: the value of comparative approaches to ascertain the evolution of Plasmodium falciparum antigens
MA Pacheco, M Cranfield, K Cameron, AA Escalante
Malaria journal 12, 1-20, 2013
Characterizing the malaria rural-to-urban transmission interface: The importance of reactive case detection
K Molina Gómez, MA Caicedo, A Gaitán, M Herrera-Varela, MI Arce, ...
PLoS neglected tropical diseases 11 (7), e0005780, 2017
Leucocytozoon diversity and possible vectors in the Neotropical highlands of Colombia
IA Lotta, MA Pacheco, AA Escalante, AD González, JS Mantilla, ...
Protist 167 (2), 185-204, 2016
Multiplicity of Infection and Disease Severity in Plasmodium vivax
MA Pacheco, M Lopez-Perez, AF Vallejo, S Herrera, M Arévalo-Herrera, ...
PLoS neglected tropical diseases 10 (1), e0004355, 2016
Whole Genome Sequencing of Field Isolates Reveals Extensive Genetic Diversity in Plasmodium vivax from Colombia
DJ Winter, MA Pacheco, AF Vallejo, RS Schwartz, M Arevalo-Herrera, ...
PLoS neglected tropical diseases 9 (12), e0004252, 2015
Evidence of purifying selection on merozoite surface protein 8 (MSP8) and 10 (MSP10) in Plasmodium spp.
MA Pacheco, AP Elango, AA Rahman, D Fisher, WE Collins, JW Barnwell, ...
Infection, Genetics and Evolution 12 (5), 978-986, 2012
Haemosporidian infection in captive masked bobwhite quail (Colinus virginianus ridgwayi), an endangered subspecies of the northern bobwhite quail
MA Pacheco, AA Escalante, MM Garner, GA Bradley, RF Aguilar
Veterinary parasitology 182 (2-4), 113-120, 2011
Malaria molecular epidemiology: an evolutionary genetics perspective
AA Escalante, MA Pacheco
Microbiology spectrum 7 (4), 10.1128/microbiolspec. ame-0010-2019, 2019
A comparative study of the genetic diversity of the 42 kDa fragment of the merozoite surface protein 1 in Plasmodium falciparum and P. vivax
MA Pacheco, AC Poe, WE Collins, AA Lal, K Tanabe, SK Kariuki, ...
Infection, Genetics and Evolution 7 (2), 180-187, 2007
The origin and diversification of the merozoite surface protein 3 (msp3) multi-gene family in Plasmodium vivax and related parasites
BL Rice, MM Acosta, MA Pacheco, JM Carlton, JW Barnwell, ...
Molecular phylogenetics and evolution 78, 172-184, 2014
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Articles 1–20