Melanie Y Lam
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Considerations for the use of a startling acoustic stimulus in studies of motor preparation in humans
AN Carlsen, D Maslovat, MY Lam, R Chua, IM Franks
Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews 35 (3), 366-376, 2011
Therapists’ perceptions of social media and video game technologies in upper limb rehabilitation
SK Tatla, N Shirzad, KR Lohse, N Virji-Babul, AM Hoens, L Holsti, LC Li, ...
JMIR Serious Games 3 (1), e3401, 2015
Perceptions of technology and its use for therapeutic application for individuals with hemiparesis: Findings from adult and pediatric focus groups
MY Lam, SK Tatla, KR Lohse, N Shirzad, AM Hoens, KJ Miller, L Holsti, ...
JMIR Rehabilitation and Assistive Technologies 2 (1), e3484, 2015
Evidence for slowing as a function of index of difficulty in young adults with Down syndrome
MY Lam, NJ Hodges, N Virji-Babul, ML Latash
American Journal on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities 114 (6), 411-426, 2009
Structural magnetic resonance imaging demonstrates volumetric brain abnormalities in Down syndrome: Newborns to young adults
B McCann, J Levman, N Baumer, MY Lam, T Shiohama, L Cogger, ...
NeuroImage: Clinical 32, 102815, 2021
Influence of stimulus–response assignment on the joint-action correspondence effect
MY Lam, R Chua
Psychological Research 74, 476-480, 2010
Movement duration does not affect automatic online control
EK Cressman, BD Cameron, MY Lam, IM Franks, R Chua
Human Movement Science 29 (6), 871-881, 2010
A characterization of movement skills in obese children with and without Prader-Willi syndrome
MY Lam, DA Rubin, AT Duran, FA Chavoya, E White, DJ Rose
Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport 87 (3), 245-253, 2016
A meta-analysis of the joint Simon effect
A Karlinsky, KR Lohse, MY Lam
In G. Gunzelmann, A. Howes, T. Tenbrink, & E. J. Davelaar (Eds). Proceedings …, 2017
Anchoring in a novel bimanual coordination pattern
D Maslovat, MY Lam, KM Brunke, R Chua, IM Franks
Human Movement Science 28 (1), 28-47, 2009
Reaction time effects due to imperative stimulus modality are absent when a startle elicits a pre-programmed action
AN Carlsen, MY Lam, D Maslovat, R Chua
Neuroscience Letters 500 (3), 177-181, 2011
Unconscious and out of control: Subliminal priming is insensitive to observer expectations
EK Cressman, MY Lam, IM Franks, JT Enns, R Chua
Consciousness and Cognition 22 (3), 716-728, 2013
Whose turn is it anyway? The moderating role of response-execution certainty on the joint Simon effect
A Karlinsky, MY Lam, R Chua, NJ Hodges
Psychological Research 83 (5), 833-841, 2019
Macroscopic aspects of gross motor control: A test of the end-state comfort effect
MY Lam, K McFee, R Chua, DJ Weeks
Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport 77 (3), 396-400, 2006
Test–retest reliability of the Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency for youth with Prader-Willi syndrome
MY Lam, DA Rubin, E White, AT Duran, DJ Rose
Annals of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine 61 (5), 355-357, 2018
Therapists' perceptions of social media and video game technologies in upper limb rehabilitation. JMIR Serious Games. 2015 Mar 10; 3 (1): e2. doi: 10.2196/games. 3401
SK Tatla, N Shirzad, KR Lohse, N Virji-Babul, AM Hoens, L Holsti, LC Li, ...
The influence of social context and social connection on visual perceptual processes
J Laforest, M MacGillivray, MY Lam
Acta Psychologica 215, 103270, 2021
Magnetic Resonance Imaging Demonstrates Gyral Abnormalities in Tourette Syndrome
B McCann, MY Lam, T Shiohama, P Ijner, E Takahashi, J Levman
International Journal of Developmental Neuroscience, 2022
Modulation of joint action correspondence effects by task context: Examination of the contributions of social, spatial, and response discrimination factors
MY Lam
University of British Columbia, 2013
The effect of response uncertainty on illusory biases of perception and action
KM Keetch, CM Glazebrook, J Lyons, MY Lam, DJ Weeks, D Elliott
Neuroscience Letters 406 (1-2), 117-121, 2006
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Articles 1–20