Simon A. Cole
Cited by
Cited by
Suspect identities: A history of criminal identification and fingerprinting
SA Cole
Harvard University Press, 2001
Truth machine: The contentious history of DNA fingerprinting
M Lynch, SA Cole, R McNally, K Jordan
University of Chicago Press, 2010
More than zero: Accounting for error in latent fingerprint identification
SA Cole
J. Crim. l. & Criminology 95, 985, 2004
The need for a research culture in the forensic sciences
JL Mnookin, SA Cole, IE Dror, BAJ Fisher
UCLA L. Rev. 58, 725, 2010
CSI and its Effects: Media, Juries, and the Burden of Proof
SA Cole, R Dioso-Villa
New Eng. L. Rev. 41, 435, 2006
Investigating the CSI effect effect: Media and litigation crisis in criminal law
SA Cole, R Dioso-Villa
Stan. L. Rev. 61, 1335, 2008
The vision in “blind” justice: Expert perception, judgment, and visual cognition in forensic pattern recognition
IE Dror, SA Cole
Psychonomic Bulletin & Review 17 (2), 161-167, 2010
Forensics without uniqueness, conclusions without individualization: the new epistemology of forensic identification
SA Cole
Law, probability and risk 8 (3), 233-255, 2009
Grandfathering evidence: Fingerprint admissibility rulings from Jennings to Llera Plaza and back again
SA Cole
Am. Crim. L. Rev. 41, 1189, 2004
Science and Technology Studies on Trial:: Dilemmas of Expertise
M Lynch, S Cole
Expert Evidence and Scientific Proof in Criminal Trials, 49-91, 2017
Is fingerprint identification valid? Rhetorics of reliability in fingerprint proponents’ discourse
SA Cole
Law & Policy 28 (1), 109-135, 2006
The social and legal construction of suspects
SA Cole, M Lynch
Annu. Rev. Law Soc. Sci. 2 (1), 39-60, 2006
Forensic bitemark identification: weak foundations, exaggerated claims
MJ Saks, T Albright, TL Bohan, BE Bierer, CM Bowers, MA Bush, PJ Bush, ...
Journal of Law and the Biosciences 3 (3), 538-575, 2016
Witnessing identification: Latent fingerprinting evidence and expert knowledge
SA Cole
Social Studies of Science 28 (5-6), 687-712, 1998
Forensic culture as epistemic culture: The sociology of forensic science
SA Cole
Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and …, 2013
A surfeit of science: The “CSI effect” and the media appropriation of the public understanding of science
SA Cole
Public Understanding of Science 24 (2), 130-146, 2015
Individualization is dead, long live individualization! Reforms of reporting practices for fingerprint analysis in the United States
SA Cole
Law, Probability and Risk 13 (2), 117-150, 2014
Science and the death penalty: DNA, innocence, and the debate over capital punishment in the United States
JD Aronson, SA Cole
Law & Social Inquiry 34 (3), 603-633, 2009
The prevalence and potential causes of wrongful conviction by fingerprint evidence
SA Cole
Golden Gate University Law Review, 2006
Where the rubber meets the road: Thinking about expert evidence as expert testimony
SA Cole
Vill. L. Rev. 52, 803, 2007
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Articles 1–20