Mariano Rodríguez Recio
Mariano Rodríguez Recio
Biodiversity, Ecology and Evolution Dept. Faculty of Biological Sc. Complutense Univ. of Madrid
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Lightweight GPS-tags, one giant leap for wildlife tracking? An assessment approach
MR Recio, R Mathieu, P Denys, P Sirguey, PJ Seddon
PloS one 6 (12), 2011
The importance of urban gardens in supporting children's biophilia
KL Hand, C Freeman, PJ Seddon, MR Recio, A Stein, Y van Heezik
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114 (2), 274-279, 2017
First results of feral cats (Felis catus) monitored with GPS collars in New Zealand
MR Recio, R Mathieu, R Maloney, PJ Seddon
New Zealand Journal of Ecology, 288-296, 2010
Restricted home ranges reduce children’s opportunities to connect to nature: Demographic, environmental and parental influences
KL Hand, C Freeman, PJ Seddon, MR Recio, A Stein, Y van Heezik
Landscape and Urban Planning 172, 69-77, 2018
Understanding determinants of home range behaviour of feral cats as introduced apex predators in insular ecosystems: a spatial approach
MR Recio, PJ Seddon
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 67, 1971-1981, 2013
Stone marten (Martes foina Erxleben, 1777) use of different Landscape types in the mountains of central Spain.
E Virgós, MR Recio, Y Cortes
Mammalian Biology-Zeitschrift fur Saugetierkunde 65 (6), 375-379, 2000
Quantifying fine-scale resource selection by introduced European hedgehogs (Erinaceus europaeus) in ecologically sensitive areas
MR Recio, R Mathieu, MC Latham, ADM Latham, PJ Seddon
Biological invasions 15 (8), 1807-1818, 2013
Quantifying fine-scale resource selection by introduced feral cats to complement management decision-making in ecologically sensitive areas
MR Recio, R Mathieu, E Virgós, PJ Seddon
Biological Invasions 16, 1915-1927, 2014
Predictive niche modelling to identify potential areas of conflicts between human activities and expanding predator populations: a case study of game management and the grey …
MR Recio, E Virgós
Wildlife research 37 (4), 343-354, 2010
Reintroduction modelling: A guide to choosing and combining models for species reintroductions
J Hunter‐Ayad, R Ohlemüller, MR Recio, PJ Seddon
Journal of Applied Ecology 57 (7), 1233-1243, 2020
Niche and movement modeling identify corridors of feral cats infringing ecologically sensitive areas in New Zealand
MR Recio, PJ Seddon, A Moore
Biological Conservation 192, 48-56, 2015
Changes in Mediterranean mesocarnivore communities along urban and ex-urban gradients
MR Recio, CM Arija, S Cabezas-Díaz, E Virgós
Current Zoology 61 (5), 793–801, 2015
Understanding home range behaviour and resource selection of invasive common brushtail possums (Trichosurus vulpecula) in urban environments
AL Adams, MR Recio, BC Robertson, KJM Dickinson, Y van Heezik
Biological Invasions 16, 1791-1804, 2014
Promoting grazing or rewilding initiatives against rural exodus? The return of the wolf and other large carnivores must be considered
MR Recio, H Sand, E Virgós
Environmental Conservation 47 (4), 269-276, 2020
Emblematic forest dwellers reintroduced into cities: Resource selection by translocated juvenile kaka
MR Recio, K Payne, PJ Seddon
Current Zoology 64, 2016
Cost comparison between GPS- and VHF-based telemetry: case study of feral cats Felis catus in New Zealand
MR Recio, R Mathieu, R Maloney, PJ Seddon
New Zealand Journal of Ecology 35 (1), 114-117, 2011
Design of a GPS backpack to track European hedgehogs Erinaceus europaeus
MR Recio, R Mathieu, PJ Seddon
European Journal of Wildlife Research 57, 1175-1178, 2011
Integrated spatially-explicit models predict pervasive risks to recolonizing wolves in Scandinavia from human-driven mortality
MR Recio, B Zimmermann, C Wikenros, A Zetterberg, P Wabakken, ...
Biological Conservation 226, 111-119, 2018
Landscape resource mapping for wildlife research using very high resolution satellite imagery
MR Recio, R Mathieu, GB Hall, AB Moore, PJ Seddon
Methods in Ecology and Evolution 4 (10), 982-992, 2013
Altitudinal distribution of the entire invasive small mammal guild in the eastern dryland zone of New Zealand’s Southern Alps
NJ Foster, RF Maloney, PJ Seddon, MR Recio, MSI Khan, Y van Heezik
Biological Invasions 23 (6), 1837-1857, 2021
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Articles 1–20