Christoph Gertler
Christoph Gertler
RWTH Aachen University, Germany
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Cited by
Genome sequence of the ubiquitous hydrocarbon-degrading marine bacterium Alcanivorax borkumensis
S Schneiker, VAPM Dos Santos, D Bartels, T Bekel, M Brecht, ...
Nature biotechnology 24 (8), 997-1004, 2006
Nutrient dynamics, microbial growth and weed emergence in biochar amended soil are influenced by time since application and reapplication rate
RS Quilliam, KA Marsden, C Gertler, J Rousk, TH DeLuca, DL Jones
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 158, 192-199, 2012
Determinants and prediction of esterase substrate promiscuity patterns
M Martínez-Martínez, C Coscolín, G Santiago, J Chow, PJ Stogios, ...
ACS chemical biology 13 (1), 225-234, 2017
Bacterial population and biodegradation potential in chronically crude oil-contaminated marine sediments are strongly linked to temperature
R Bargiela, F Mapelli, D Rojo, B Chouaia, J Tornés, S Borin, M Richter, ...
Scientific reports 5 (1), 11651, 2015
Microbial consortia in mesocosm bioremediation trial using oil sorbents, slow-release fertilizer and bioaugmentation
C Gertler, G Gerdts, KN Timmis, PN Golyshin
FEMS microbiology ecology 69 (2), 288-300, 2009
Populations of heavy fuel oil‐degrading marine microbial community in presence of oil sorbent materials
C Gertler, G Gerdts, KN Timmis, MM Yakimov, PN Golyshin
Journal of applied microbiology 107 (2), 590-605, 2009
Composition and dynamics of biostimulated indigenous oil-degrading microbial consortia from the Irish, North and Mediterranean Seas: a mesocosm study
C Gertler, DJ Näther, S Cappello, G Gerdts, RS Quilliam, MM Yakimov, ...
FEMS microbiology ecology 81 (3), 520-536, 2012
Single residues dictate the co-evolution of dual esterases: MCP hydrolases from the α/β hydrolase family
M Alcaide, J Tornes, PJ Stogios, X Xu, C Gertler, R Di Leo, R Bargiela, ...
Biochemical Journal 454 (1), 157-166, 2013
A mesocosm study of the changes in marine flagellate and ciliate communities in a crude oil bioremediation trial
C Gertler, DJ Näther, G Gerdts, MC Malpass, PN Golyshin
Microbial ecology 60, 180-191, 2010
Presence of hydrocarbon-degrading bacteria in the gills of mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis in a contaminated environment: a mesoscale simulation study
S Cappello, D Russo, S Santisi, R Calogero, C Gertler, F Crisafi, ...
Chemistry and Ecology 28 (3), 239-252, 2012
Bioprospecting reveals class III ω-transaminases converting bulky ketones and environmentally relevant polyamines
C Coscolín, N Katzke, A Garcia-Moyano, J Navarro-Fernández, ...
Applied and Environmental Microbiology 85 (2), e02404-18, 2019
Degradation network reconstruction in uric acid and ammonium amendments in oil-degrading marine microcosms guided by metagenomic data
R Bargiela, C Gertler, M Magagnini, F Mapelli, J Chen, D Daffonchio, ...
Frontiers in Microbiology 6, 1270, 2015
Conversion of uric acid into ammonium in oil-degrading marine microbial communities: a possible role of Halomonads
C Gertler, R Bargiela, F Mapelli, X Han, J Chen, T Hai, RA Amer, ...
Microbial ecology 70, 724-740, 2015
Shipping-related accidental and deliberate release into the environment
C Gertler, MM Yakimov, MC Malpass, PN Golyshin
Handbook of Hydrocarbon and Lipid Microbiology, 2010
Bacterial population and biodegradation potential in chronically crude oil-contaminated marine sediments are strongly linked to temperature. Sci Rep 5: 11651
R Bargiela, F Mapelli, D Rojo, B Chouaia, J Tornés, S Borin, M Richter, ...
doi. org/10.1038/srep1 1651, 2015
Indigenous house mice dominate small mammal communities in northern Afghan military bases
C Gertler, M Schlegel, M Linnenbrink, R Hutterer, P König, B Ehlers, ...
BMC Zoology 2, 1-14, 2017
The intergenic transcribed spacer region 1 as a molecular marker for identification and discrimination of Enterobacteriaceae associated with acute oak decline
J Doonan, S Denman, C Gertler, JA Pachebat, PN Golyshin, JE McDonald
Journal of applied microbiology 118 (1), 193-201, 2015
Characterisation of physicochemical cycling and enzyme activity during the bioreduction of pig carcasses
CL Gwyther, DL Jones, C Gertler, G Edwards-Jones, A Prysor
Ceri Gwyther, 133, 2012
Changes in the physicochemical properties and enzymatic activity of waste during bioreduction of pig carcasses
CL Gwyther, DL Jones, C Gertler, G Edwards-Jones, AP Williams
Environmental technology 35 (15), 1904-1915, 2014
Promiscuity and extremophily: expanding the pool of substrates available to extremophiles that mineralize aromatic pollutants
M Alcaide, J Tornés, PJ Stogios, X Xu, C Gertler, R Di Leo, R Bargiela, ...
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Articles 1–20