Effy Vayena
Cited by
Cited by
The global landscape of AI ethics guidelines
A Jobin, M Ienca, E Vayena
Nature machine intelligence 1 (9), 389-399, 2019
AI4People—an ethical framework for a good AI society: opportunities, risks, principles, and recommendations
L Floridi, J Cowls, M Beltrametti, R Chatila, P Chazerand, V Dignum, ...
Minds and machines 28, 689-707, 2018
Explainability for artificial intelligence in healthcare: a multidisciplinary perspective
J Amann, A Blasimme, E Vayena, D Frey, VI Madai, ...
BMC medical informatics and decision making 20, 1-9, 2020
Machine learning in medicine: addressing ethical challenges
E Vayena, A Blasimme, IG Cohen
PLoS medicine 15 (11), e1002689, 2018
On the responsible use of digital data to tackle the COVID-19 pandemic
M Ienca, E Vayena
Nature medicine 26 (4), 463-464, 2020
Ethics and governance of artificial intelligence for health: WHO guidance: executive summary
World Health Organization
World Health Organization, 2021
Current practices and controversies in assisted reproduction: report of a meeting on medical, ethical and social aspects of assisted reproduction, held at WHO Headquarters in …
E Vayena, PJ Rowe, PD Griffin
World Health Organization, 2002
Ethical challenges of big data in public health
E Vayena, M Salathé, LC Madoff, JS Brownstein
PLoS computational biology 11 (2), e1003904, 2015
Digital tools against COVID-19: taxonomy, ethical challenges, and navigation aid
U Gasser, M Ienca, J Scheibner, J Sleigh, E Vayena
The lancet digital health 2 (8), e425-e434, 2020
Digital health: meeting the ethical and policy challenges
E Vayena, T Haeusermann, A Adjekum, A Blasimme
Swiss medical weekly 148, w14571, 2018
Considerations for ethics review of big data health research: A scoping review
M Ienca, A Ferretti, S Hurst, M Puhan, C Lovis, E Vayena
PloS one 13 (10), e0204937, 2018
Use of modern contraception by the poor is falling behind
V Gakidou
PLoS Med 4 (2), e31, 2007
Elements of trust in digital health systems: scoping review
A Adjekum, A Blasimme, E Vayena
Journal of medical Internet research 20 (12), e11254, 2018
Shaping parents: impact of contrasting professional counseling on parents' decision making for children with disorders of sex development
JC Streuli, E Vayena, Y Cavicchia‐Balmer, J Huber
The journal of sexual medicine 10 (8), 1953-1960, 2013
The global landscape of AI ethics guidelines. Nature Machine Intelligence, 1 (9), 389–399
A Jobin, M Ienca, E Vayena
Online: https://doi. org/10 1038, 2019
Policy implications of big data in the health sector
E Vayena, J Dzenowagis, JS Brownstein, A Sheikh
Bulletin of the World Health Organization 96 (1), 66, 2017
Biomedical big data: new models of control over access, use and governance
E Vayena, A Blasimme
Journal of bioethical inquiry 14, 501-513, 2017
Health research with big data: time for systemic oversight
E Vayena, A Blasimme
The journal of law, medicine & ethics 46 (1), 119-129, 2018
Adapting standards: ethical oversight of participant-led health research
E Vayena, J Tasioulas
PLoS medicine 10 (3), e1001402, 2013
Early evidence of effectiveness of digital contact tracing for SARS-CoV-2 in Switzerland
M Salathé, CL Althaus, N Anderegg, D Antonioli, T Ballauz, B Edouard, ...
medRxiv, 2020.09. 07.20189274, 2020
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Articles 1–20