Azizah Abdul Manaf
Azizah Abdul Manaf
Professor of Computer Science, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM)
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An overview of principal component analysis
S Karamizadeh, SM Abdullah, AA Manaf, M Zamani, A Hooman
Journal of signal and information processing 4 (3), 173-175, 2013
Ensemble models with uncertainty analysis for multi-day ahead forecasting of chlorophyll a concentration in coastal waters
S Shamshirband, E Jafari Nodoushan, JE Adolf, A Abdul Manaf, A Mosavi, ...
Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics 13 (1), 91-101, 2019
Factors influencing medical tourism adoption in Malaysia: A DEMATEL-Fuzzy TOPSIS approach
M Nilashi, S Samad, AA Manaf, H Ahmadi, TA Rashid, A Munshi, ...
Computers & Industrial Engineering 137, 106005, 2019
Extreme learning machine for prediction of heat load in district heating systems
S Sajjadi, S Shamshirband, M Alizamir, L Yee, Z Mansor, AA Manaf, ...
Energy and Buildings 122, 222-227, 2016
An effective SVD-based image tampering detection and self-recovery using active watermarking
S Dadkhah, A Abd Manaf, Y Hori, AE Hassanien, S Sadeghi
Signal Processing: Image Communication 29 (10), 1197-1210, 2014
Efficient intelligent energy routing protocol in wireless sensor networks
F Kiani, E Amiri, M Zamani, T Khodadadi, A Abdul Manaf
International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks 11 (3), 618072, 2015
An enhanced hybrid image watermarking scheme for security of medical and non-medical images based on DWT and 2-D SVD
TK Araghi, A Abd Manaf
Future Generation Computer Systems 101, 1223-1246, 2019
Coronary heart disease diagnosis through self-organizing map and fuzzy support vector machine with incremental updates
M Nilashi, H Ahmadi, AA Manaf, TA Rashid, S Samad, L Shahmoradi, ...
International Journal of Fuzzy Systems 22, 1376-1388, 2020
Botnet detection based on traffic monitoring
HR Zeidanloo, AB Manaf, P Vahdani, F Tabatabaei, M Zamani
2010 International Conference on Networking and Information Technology, 97-101, 2010
Botnet command and control mechanisms
HR Zeidanloo, AA Manaf
2009 second international conference on computer and electrical engineering …, 2009
A genetic-algorithm-based approach for audio steganography
M Zamani, AA Manaf, RB Ahmad, AM Zeki, S Abdullah
International Journal of Computer and Information Engineering 3 (6), 1562-1565, 2009
A secure audio steganography approach
M Zamani, ABA Manaf, RB Ahmad, F Jaryani, H Taherdoost, AM Zeki
2009 International Conference for Internet Technology and Secured …, 2009
Exploiting Voronoi diagram properties in face segmentation and feature extraction
A Cheddad, D Mohamad, A Abd Manaf
Pattern recognition 41 (12), 3842-3859, 2008
Wavelet neural networks and gene expression programming models to predict short-term soil temperature at different depths
S Samadianfard, E Asadi, S Jarhan, H Kazemi, S Kheshtgar, O Kisi, ...
Soil and Tillage Research 175, 37-50, 2018
A hybrid method with TOPSIS and machine learning techniques for sustainable development of green hotels considering online reviews
M Nilashi, A Mardani, H Liao, H Ahmadi, AA Manaf, W Almukadi
Sustainability 11 (21), 6013, 2019
A novel digital watermarking technique based on ISB (Intermediate Significant Bit)
AM Zeki, AA Manaf
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 50, 989-996, 2009
A secure blind discrete wavelet transform based watermarking scheme using two-level singular value decomposition
TK Araghi, A Abd Manaf, SK Araghi
Expert Systems with Applications 112, 208-228, 2018
A taxonomy of SQL injection detection and prevention techniques
A Sadeghian, M Zamani, AA Manaf
2013 international conference on informatics and creative multimedia, 53-56, 2013
A novel approach for rogue access point detection on the client-side
S Nikbakhsh, ABA Manaf, M Zamani, M Janbeglou
2012 26th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and …, 2012
Botnet detection by monitoring similar communication patterns
HR Zeidanloo, ABA Manaf
arXiv preprint arXiv:1004.1232, 2010
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Articles 1–20