Eddie Brummelman
Eddie Brummelman
Associate Professor, University of Amsterdam
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The resilience framework as a strategy to combat stress-related disorders
R Kalisch, DG Baker, U Basten, MP Boks, GA Bonanno, E Brummelman, ...
Nature human behaviour 1 (11), 784-790, 2017
Origins of narcissism in children
E Brummelman, S Thomaes, SA Nelemans, B Orobio de Castro, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112 (12), 3659-3662, 2015
Separating narcissism from self-esteem
E Brummelman, S Thomaes, C Sedikides
Current Directions in Psychological Science 25 (1), 8-13, 2016
The “why” and “how” of narcissism: A process model of narcissistic status pursuit
S Grapsas, E Brummelman, MD Back, JJA Denissen
Perspectives on Psychological Science 15 (1), 150-172, 2020
“That’s not just beautiful—that’s incredibly beautiful!” The adverse impact of inflated praise on children with low self-esteem
E Brummelman, S Thomaes, B Orobio de Castro, G Overbeek, ...
Psychological science 25 (3), 728-735, 2014
On feeding those hungry for praise: Person praise backfires in children with low self-esteem.
E Brummelman, S Thomaes, G Overbeek, B Orobio de Castro, ...
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 143 (1), 9, 2014
When parents’ praise inflates, children's self‐esteem deflates
E Brummelman, SA Nelemans, S Thomaes, B Orobio de Castro
Child development 88 (6), 1799-1809, 2017
Does mindfulness meditation increase empathy? An experiment
A Ridderinkhof, EI de Bruin, E Brummelman, SM Bögels
Self and Identity 16 (3), 251-269, 2017
My child is God’s gift to humanity: Development and validation of the Parental Overvaluation Scale (POS).
E Brummelman, S Thomaes, SA Nelemans, B Orobio de Castro, ...
Journal of personality and social psychology 108 (4), 665, 2015
How children construct views of themselves: A social‐developmental perspective
E Brummelman, S Thomaes
Child Development 88 (6), 1763-1773, 2017
The praise paradox: When and why praise backfires in children with low self‐esteem
E Brummelman, J Crocker, BJ Bushman
Child Development Perspectives 10 (2), 111-115, 2016
When Narcissus was a boy: Origins, nature, and consequences of childhood narcissism
S Thomaes, E Brummelman, A Reijntjes, BJ Bushman
Child Development Perspectives 7 (1), 22-26, 2013
Raising children with high self-esteem (but not narcissism)
E Brummelman, C Sedikides
Child Development Perspectives, 2020
Narcissism: A social-developmental perspective
S Thomaes, E Brummelman, C Sedikides
The SAGE handbook of personality and individual differences: Volume III …, 2018
S Thomaes, E Brummelman
Developmental psychopathology, 1-47, 2016
Unconditional regard buffers children’s negative self-feelings
E Brummelman, S Thomaes, GM Walton, AMG Poorthuis, G Overbeek, ...
Pediatrics 134 (6), 1119-1126, 2014
My child redeems my broken dreams: On parents transferring their unfulfilled ambitions onto their child
E Brummelman, S Thomaes, M Slagt, G Overbeek, BO de Castro, ...
PloS one 8 (6), e65360, 2013
What separates narcissism from self-esteem? A social-cognitive perspective
E Brummelman, Ç Gürel, S Thomaes, C Sedikides
Handbook of trait narcissism: Key advances, research methods, and …, 2018
Are socially anxious children poor or advanced mind-readers?
M Nikolić, L van der Storm, C Colonnesi, E Brummelman, KJ Kan, ...
Child Development, 2018
Why most children think well of themselves
S Thomaes, E Brummelman, C Sedikides
Child Development 88 (6), 1873-1884, 2017
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Articles 1–20