Gene R DiResta
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Imaging herpes virus thymidine kinase gene transfer and expression by positron emission tomography
JG Tjuvajev, N Avril, T Oku, T Sasajima, T Miyagawa, R Joshi, M Safer, ...
Cancer research 58 (19), 4333-4341, 1998
Midazolam changes cerebral blood flow in discrete brain regions: an H2 (15) O positron emission tomography study.
RA Veselis, RA Reinsel, BJ Beattie, OR Mawlawi, VA Feshchenko, ...
Anesthesiology 87 (5), 1106-1117, 1997
Gastric mucosal blood flow measured by laser-Doppler velocimetry
JW Kiel, GL Riedel, GR DiResta, AP Shepherd
American Journal of Physiology-Gastrointestinal and Liver Physiology 249 (4 …, 1985
Elevated physiologic tumor pressure promotes proliferation and chemosensitivity in human osteosarcoma
SS Nathan, GR DiResta, JE Casas-Ganem, BH Hoang, R Sowers, ...
Clinical cancer research 11 (6), 2389-2397, 2005
Radiographic and clinical changes of the patellar tendon after tibial plateau leveling osteotomy
K Carey, SW Aiken, GR DiResta, LG Herr, S Monette
Veterinary and Comparative Orthopaedics and Traumatology 18 (04), 235-242, 2005
Intraoperative measurement of cerebral and tumor blood flow with laser-Doppler flowmetry
E Arbit, GR DiResta, RF Bedford, NK Shah, JH Galicich
Neurosurgery 24 (2), 166-170, 1989
Process and device to reduce interstitial fluid pressure in tissue
GR DiResta, J Lee, E Arbit
US Patent 5,484,399, 1996
Development of a method to measure kinetics of radiolabelled monoclonal antibody in human tumour with applications to microdosimetry: positron emission tomography studies of …
F Daghighian, KS Pentlow, SM Larson, MC Graham, GR DiResta, ...
European journal of nuclear medicine 20, 402-409, 1993
PMMA to stabilize bone and deliver antineoplastic and antiresorptive agents
JH Healey, F Shannon, P Boland, GR DiResta
Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research® 415, S263-S275, 2003
Characterization of neuroblastoma xenograft in rat flank. I. Growth, interstitial fluid pressure, and interstitial fluid velocity distribution profiles
GR DiResta, J Lee, SM Larson, E Arbit
Microvascular research 46 (2), 158-177, 1993
Cell Proliferation of Cultured Human Cancer Cells are Affected by the Elevated Tumor Pressures that Exist In Vivo
GR DiResta, SS Nathan, MW Manoso, J Casas-Ganem, C Wyatt, T Kubo, ...
Annals of biomedical engineering 33, 1270-1280, 2005
Measurement of brain tissue specific gravity using pycnometry
GR DiResta, J Lee, E Arbit
Journal of neuroscience methods 39 (3), 245-251, 1991
Hybrid blood flow probe for simultaneous H2 clearance and laser-Doppler velocimetry
GR DiResta, JW Kiel, GL Riedel, P Kaplan, AP Shepherd
American Journal of Physiology-Gastrointestinal and Liver Physiology 253 (4 …, 1987
Additive influence of extracellular pH, oxygen tension, and pressure on invasiveness and survival of human osteosarcoma cells
T Matsubara, GR DiResta, S Kakunaga, D Li, JH Healey
Frontiers in Oncology 3, 199, 2013
Tumor interstitial fluid pressure may regulate angiogenic factors in osteosarcoma
SS Nathan, AG Huvos, JE Casas‐Ganem, R Yang, I Linkov, R Sowers, ...
Journal of Orthopaedic Research 26 (11), 1520-1525, 2008
Measurement of brain tissue density using pycnometry
GR DiResta, J Lee, N Lau, F Ali, JH Galicich, E Arbit
Brain Edema VIII: Proceedings of the Eighth International Symposium, Bern …, 1990
Biomechanical analysis of anterior poly-methyl-methacrylate reconstruction following total spondylectomy for metastatic disease
FJ Shannon, GR DiResta, D Ottaviano, A Castro, JH Healey, PJ Boland
Spine 29 (19), 2096-2012, 2004
Application of laser Doppler flowmetry in neurosurgery
E Arbit, GR DiResta
Neurosurgery Clinics 7 (4), 741-748, 1996
“Artificial Lymphatic System”: A New Approach to Reduce Interstitial Hypertension and Increase Blood Flow, pH and pO2 in Solid Tumors
GR DiResta, J Lee, JH Healey, A Levchenko, SM Larson, E Arbit
Annals of Biomedical Engineering 28, 543-555, 2000
Interstitial fluid pressure and blood flow in canine osteosarcoma and other tumors
TA Zachos, SW Aiken, GR DiResta, JH Healey
Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research (1976-2007) 385, 230-236, 2001
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