Lauri Nummenmaa
Lauri Nummenmaa
Professor at Turku PET Centre, University of Turku
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Käyttäytymistieteiden tilastolliset menetelmät
L Nummenmaa
Tammi, 2023
Bodily maps of emotions
L Nummenmaa, E Glerean, R Hari, JK Hietanen
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111 (2), 646-651, 2014
Emotions promote social interaction by synchronizing brain activity across individuals
L Nummenmaa, E Glerean, M Viinikainen, IP Jääskeläinen, R Hari, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 109 (24), 9599-9604, 2012
Eye movement assessment of selective attentional capture by emotional pictures.
L Nummenmaa, J Hyönä, MG Calvo
Emotion 6 (2), 257, 2006
Detection of emotional faces: salient physical features guide effective visual search.
MG Calvo, L Nummenmaa
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 137 (3), 471, 2008
Is emotional contagion special? An fMRI study on neural systems for affective and cognitive empathy
L Nummenmaa, J Hirvonen, R Parkkola, JK Hietanen
Neuroimage 43 (3), 571-580, 2008
Discrete neural signatures of basic emotions
H Saarimäki, A Gotsopoulos, IP Jääskeläinen, J Lampinen, P Vuilleumier, ...
Cerebral cortex 26 (6), 2563-2573, 2016
Neural mechanisms of social attention
L Nummenmaa, AJ Calder
Trends in cognitive sciences 13 (3), 135-143, 2009
Topography of social touching depends on emotional bonds between humans
JT Suvilehto, E Glerean, RIM Dunbar, R Hari, L Nummenmaa
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112 (45), 13811-13816, 2015
Tunteiden psykologia
L Nummenmaa
Werner Söderström Ltd, 2022
Tilastollisten menetelmien perusteet
L Nummenmaa, M Holopainen, P Pulkkinen
Helsinki: Sanoma Pro Oy 18, 193-194, 2014
Perceptual and affective mechanisms in facial expression recognition: An integrative review
MG Calvo, L Nummenmaa
Cognition and Emotion 30 (6), 1081-1106, 2016
Dorsal striatum and its limbic connectivity mediate abnormal anticipatory reward processing in obesity
L Nummenmaa, J Hirvonen, JC Hannukainen, H Immonen, MM Lindroos, ...
PloS one 7 (2), e31089, 2012
Social laughter triggers endogenous opioid release in humans
S Manninen, L Tuominen, RI Dunbar, T Karjalainen, J Hirvonen, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 37 (25), 6125-6131, 2017
Naturalistic fMRI mapping reveals superior temporal sulcus as the hub for the distributed brain network for social perception
JM Lahnakoski, E Glerean, J Salmi, IP Jääskeläinen, M Sams, R Hari, ...
Frontiers in human neuroscience 6, 233, 2012
Maps of subjective feelings
L Nummenmaa, R Hari, JK Hietanen, E Glerean
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 115 (37), 9198-9203, 2018
Obesity is associated with decreased μ-opioid but unaltered dopamine D2 receptor availability in the brain
HK Karlsson, L Tuominen, JJ Tuulari, J Hirvonen, R Parkkola, S Helin, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 35 (9), 3959-3965, 2015
Synchronous brain activity across individuals underlies shared psychological perspectives
JM Lahnakoski, E Glerean, IP Jääskeläinen, J Hyönä, R Hari, M Sams, ...
NeuroImage 100, 316-324, 2014
Inducing affective states with success-failure manipulations: a meta-analysis.
L Nummenmaa, P Niemi
Emotion 4 (2), 207, 2004
Automatic attention orienting by social and symbolic cues activates different neural networks: An fMRI study
JK Hietanen, L Nummenmaa, MJ Nyman, R Parkkola, H Hämäläinen
NeuroImage 33 (1), 406-413, 2006
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Articles 1–20