Joanna Carpenter
Joanna Carpenter
Researcher, Landcare Research, New Zealand
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Cited by
The effect of two glyphosate formulations on a small, diurnal lizard (Oligosoma polychroma)
JK Carpenter, JM Monks, N Nelson
Ecotoxicology 25 (3), 548-554, 2016
Introduction of mammalian seed predators and the loss of an endemic flightless bird impair seed dispersal of the New Zealand tree Elaeocarpus dentatus
JK Carpenter, D Kelly, E Moltchanova, CFJ O'Donnell
Ecology and evolution 8 (12), 5992-6004, 2018
The forgotten fauna: Native vertebrate seed predators on islands
JK Carpenter, JM Wilmshurst, KR McConkey, JP Hume, DM Wotton, ...
Functional Ecology, 2020
Good predators: the roles of weka (Gallirallus australis) in New Zealand’s past and present ecosystems
JK Carpenter, JG Innes, JR Wood, POB Lyver
New Zealand Journal of Ecology 45 (1), 2021
An avian seed dispersal paradox: New Zealand's extinct megafaunal birds did not disperse large seeds
JK Carpenter, JR Wood, JM Wilmshurst, D Kelly
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 285 (1877), 20180352, 2018
Pushing the limits: ship rat (Rattus rattus) population dynamics across an elevational gradient in response to mast seeding and supplementary feeding
JK Carpenter, A Monks, J Innes, J Griffiths
Biological Invasions 24 (10), 3065-3081, 2022
Long seed dispersal distances by an inquisitive flightless rail (Gallirallus australis) are reduced by interaction with humans
JK Carpenter, CFJ O'Donnell, E Moltchanova, D Kelly
Royal Society Open Science 6 (8), 190397, 2019
Factors limiting kererū (Hemiphaga novaeseelandiae) populations across New Zealand
J Carpenter, S Walker, A Monks, J Innes, R Binny, AK Schlesselmann
New Zealand Journal of Ecology 45 (2), 3441, 2021
Rodent detection and monitoring for conservation on islands: gnawed seeds provide reliable indicator of rodent presence
JM Wilmshurst, JK Carpenter
New Zealand Journal of Ecology 44 (1), 3398, 2020
Developing indices of relative abundance for monitoring cave and ground wētā (Orthoptera) in southern beech forest, New Zealand
JK Carpenter, JM Monks, CFJ O'Donnell
New Zealand Journal of Zoology 43 (2), 149-162, 2016
Trends in the detections of a large frugivore (Hemiphaga novaeseelandiae) and fleshy-fruited seed dispersal over three decades
JK Carpenter, D Kelly, MN Clout, BJ Karl, JJ Ladley
New Zealand Journal of Ecology 41 (1), 41-46, 2017
Global change explains reduced seeding in a widespread New Zealand tree: indigenous Tūhoe knowledge informs mechanistic analysis
OMM Yukich Clendon, JK Carpenter, D Kelly, P Timoti, BR Burns, ...
Frontiers in Forests and Global Change 6, 1172326, 2023
Immigration drives ship rat population irruptions in marginal high‐elevation habitat in response to pulsed resources
JK Carpenter, A Monks, J Innes, J Griffiths, D Anderson
Ecosphere 14 (2), e4424, 2023
Detectability of ten invasive mammal pests in New Zealand: a synthesis of spatial detection parameters
G Vattiato, RN Binny, SJ Davidson, AE Byrom, DP Anderson, MJ Plank, ...
New Zealand Journal of Ecology 47 (1), 3552, 2023
DOC best practice manual of conservation techniques for bats
J Sedgeley, C O'Donnell, J Lyall, H Edmonds, W Simpson, J Carpenter, ...
Biodiversity Inventory and Monitoring Toolbox. Department of Conservation …, 2013
Palaeoecological and historical observations of an endemic New Zealand bird (Strigops habroptila, kākāpō) reveal shifting drivers of decline during 800 years of human settlement
JK Carpenter, GLW Perry, JM Wilmshurst
Global Ecology and Conservation, e02433, 2023
Radio collaring reveals long-distance movements of reinvading ship rats following landscape-scale control
JK Carpenter, A Monks, J Innes, J Griffiths
New Zealand Journal of Ecology 47 (1), 3522, 2023
Legacy of loss: seed dispersal by kererū and flightless birds in New Zealand.
JK Carpenter
University of Canterbury, 2019
Unusual vocalisations from a male kakapo (Strigops habroptilus) imprinted on humans
BD Bell, JK Carpenter, PL Dewhurst, TM Karst, S Browning
Notornis 60, 265-268, 2013
Spinescence and the Island Plant Defense Syndrome
KE Barton, JK Carpenter, A Flores, L Saez, M Armani
Ecology and Evolution of Plant-Herbivore Interactions on Islands, 13-29, 2024
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Articles 1–20