Zuhriah Ebrahim
Cited by
Cited by
The impact of sustainable manufacturing practices and innovation performance on economic sustainability
N Hami, MR Muhamad, Z Ebrahim
Procedia Cirp 26, 190-195, 2015
Manufacturing performance in green supply chain management
WHW Mahmood, W Hasrulnizzam, MN Ab Rahman, B Deros, K Jusoff, ...
World Applied Sciences Journal 21 (1), 76-84, 2013
Sustainable-ERP system: A preliminary study on sustainability indicators
MS Hasan, Z Ebrahim, WHW Mahmood, MN Ab Rahman
Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology (JAMT) 11 (1 (1)), 61-74, 2017
Decision Support System Classification and It Application in Manufacturing Sector: A Review
MS Hasan, Z Ebrahim, WH Wan Mahmod, MN Ab Rahman
Jurnal Teknologi (Sciences and Engineering) 79 (1), 153-163, 2017
Sustainable manufacturing practices among SMEs in Malaysia
N Hami, FM Yamin, SM Shafie, MR Muhamad, Z Ebrahim
Industrial Engineering 9 (8), 1658, 2018
The influence of innovation performance towards manufacturing sustainability performance
MR Muhamad, Z Ebrahim, N Hami
the proceeding of 2014 International Conference on Industrial Engineering …, 2014
The Impact Of Sustainable Manufacturing Practices On Sustainability
N Hami, MR Muhamad, Z Ebrahim
Jurnal Teknologi 78 (1), 139-152, 2016
Factors influencing enterprise resource planning system: A review
MS Hasan, Z Ebrahim, WHW Mahmood, MNA Rahman
Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology (JAMT) 12 (1 (1)), 247-258, 2018
Understanding responsiveness in manufacturing operations
Z Ebrahim, NA Ahmad, MR Muhamad
International Symposium on Research in Innovation and Sustainability, 1663-1666, 2014
Relationship between lean manufacturing, agile manufacturing and sustainability
D Pham, Z Ebrahim, T Shamsuddin, R Barton, O Williams
4th virtual international conference on innovative production machines and …, 2008
Human Centric Approach in Smart Remanufacturing for End-Life-Vehicle (ELV)’s Stabilizer Bar
KN Suhaimin, WHW Mahmood, Z Ebrahim, H Hakimi, S Aziz
Malaysian Journal on Composites Science and Manufacturing 12 (1), 1-12, 2023
Improvement of overall equipment effectiveness through application of single-minute exchange of die in automotive manufacturing
AHA Rasib, Z Ebrahim, R Abdullah, ZFM Rafaai
Test Engineering and Management 81 (3650), 3650-3659, 2019
An insight into enterprise resource planning system (ERP-S) research trend
MS Hasan, Z Ebrahim, WHW Mahmood, MNA Rahman
Jurnal ILMI 7 (1), 2017
An empirical study on the impact of sustainable manufacturing practices and innovation performance on environmental sustainability
N Hami, MR Muhammad, Z Ebrahim
Jurnal Teknologi (Sciences & Engineering) 77 (4), 2015
Fit manufacturing: Production fitness as the measure of production operations performance
Z Ebrahim
PQDT-Global, 2011
A model for manufacturing sustainability in manufacturing operations
Z Ebrahim, NA Ahmad, MR Muhamad
International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE) ISSN …, 2019
Unnecessary Overtime as the Component of Time Loss Measures in Assembly Processes
Z Ebrahim, AHA Rasib
Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology (JAMT) 11 (1), 37-48, 2017
The impact manufacturing sustainability of sustainable practices on sustainability
N Hami, MR Muhamad, Z Ebrahim
Jurnal Teknologi 78 (1), 139-152, 2016
Understanding time loss in manufacturing operations
Z Ebrahim, AH Abdul Rasib, MR Muhamad
Applied Mechanics and Materials 761, 619-623, 2015
Fit manufacturing: Production Waste Index and its effect on Production Profitability
Z Ebrahim, MR Muhamad, PD Truong
2015 International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations …, 2015
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Articles 1–20