Dr. Tanveer Ahmad
Dr. Tanveer Ahmad
University of Cyprus, Chungnam National University, Auckland University of Technology
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Cited by
Parametric loop division for 3D localization in wireless sensor networks
T Ahmad, XJ Li, BC Seet
Sensors 17 (7), 1697, 2017
Social network analysis based localization technique with clustered closeness centrality for 3d wireless sensor networks
T Ahmad, XJ Li, BC Seet, JC Cano
Electronics 9 (5), 738, 2020
Depression detection based on hybrid deep learning SSCL framework using self-attention mechanism: An application to social networking data
A Nadeem, M Naveed, M Islam Satti, H Afzal, T Ahmad, KI Kim
Sensors 22 (24), 9775, 2022
Deep learning‐based dynamic stable cluster head selection in VANET
MA Saleem, Z Shijie, MU Sarwar, T Ahmad, A Maqbool, CS Shivachi, ...
Journal of Advanced Transportation 2021 (1), 9936299, 2021
A self-calibrated centroid localization algorithm for indoor ZigBee WSNs
T Ahmad, XJ Li, BC Seet
2016 8th IEEE International Conference on Communication Software and …, 2016
3D localization based on parametric loop division and subdivision surfaces for wireless sensor networks
T Ahmad, XJ Li, BC Seet
2016 25th Wireless and Optical Communication Conference (WOCC), 1-6, 2016
3D localization using social network analysis for wireless sensor networks
T Ahmad, XJ Li, BC Seet
2018 IEEE 3rd international conference on communication and information …, 2018
Noise reduction scheme for parametric loop division 3D wireless localization algorithm based on extended kalman filtering
T Ahmad, XJ Li, BC Seet
Journal of Sensor and Actuator Networks 8 (2), 24, 2019
Facial expression detection using six facial expressions hexagon (SFEH) model
M Murtaza, M Sharif, M AbdullahYasmin, T Ahmad
2019 IEEE 9th annual computing and communication workshop and conference …, 2019
LAS-6LE: A lightweight authentication scheme for 6LoWPAN environments
M Tanveer, G Abbas, ZH Abbas
2020 14th International Conference on Open Source Systems and Technologies …, 2020
Fuzzy-logic based localization for mobile sensor Networks
T Ahmad, XJ Li, BC Seet
2019 2nd International Conference on Communication, Computing and Digital …, 2019
A Novel Self-Calibrated UWB Based Indoor Localization Systems for Context-Aware Applications
T Ahmad, M Usman, M Murtaza, IB Benitez, A Anwar, V Vassiliou, ...
IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, 2024
A new generalized logarithmic–X family of distributions with biomedical data analysis
Z Shah, DM Khan, Z Khan, N Faiz, S Hussain, A Anwar, T Ahmad, KI Kim
Applied Sciences 13 (6), 3668, 2023
Hierarchical localization algorithm for sustainable ocean health in large-scale underwater wireless sensor networks
T Ahmad, XJ Li, AK Cherukuri, KI Kim
Sustainable Computing: Informatics and Systems 39, 100902, 2023
Frugal Sensing: A Novel approach of Mobile Sensor Network Localization based on Fuzzy-Logic
T Ahmad, XJ Li, J Wenchao, A Ghaffar
Proceedings of the ACM MobiArch 2020 The 15th Workshop on Mobility in the …, 2020
Secure and fast image encryption algorithm based on modified logistic map
M Riaz, H Dilpazir, S Naseer, H Mahmood, A Anwar, J Khan, IB Benitez, ...
Information 15 (3), 172, 2024
Circularly polarized pattern reconfigurable flexible antenna for 5G-sub-6-GHz applications
A Ghaffar, XJ Li, T Ahmad, N Hussain, M Alibakhshikenari, E Limiti
2020 IEEE Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference (APMC), 625-627, 2020
An improved accelerated frame slotted ALOHA (AFSA) algorithm for tag collision in RFID
T Ahmad
arXiv preprint arXiv:1405.6217, 2014
Spark Spectrum Allocation for D2D Communication in Cellular Networks
T Ahmad, I Khan, A Irshad, S Ahmad, AT Soliman, AA Gardezi, M Shafiq, ...
3D Localization Techniques for Wireless Sensor Networks
T Ahmad
Auckland University of Technology, 2019
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Articles 1–20