George Parker
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Cited by
Mothers at large: Responsibilizing the pregnant self for the “obesity epidemic”
G Parker
Fat Studies 3 (2), 101-118, 2014
Constructions of masculinity in alcohol advertising: Implications for the prevention of domestic violence
AJ Towns, C Parker, P Chase
Addiction Research & Theory 20 (5), 389-401, 2012
Resisting the problematisation of fatness in COVID-19: In pursuit of health justice
C Pausé, G Parker, L Gray
International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 54, 102021, 2021
Productive but not constructive: The work of shame in the affective governance of fat pregnancy
G Parker, C Pausé
Feminism & Psychology 29 (2), 250-268, 2019
Pregnant with possibility: Negotiating fat maternal subjectivity in the “war on obesity”
G Parker, C Pausé
The Future Is Fat, 10-20, 2021
Shamed into health? Fat pregnant women’s views on obesity management strategies in maternity care
G Parker
Women’s Studies Journal 31 (1), 22-33, 2017
“You’re Just Another Friggin’Number to Add to the Problem”: Constructing the Racialized (M) other in Contemporary Discourses of Pregnancy Fatness
G Parker, C Pausé, J Le Grice
Thickening fat, 97-109, 2019
“I'm Just a Woman Having a Baby”: Negotiating and Resisting the Problematization of Pregnancy Fatness
G Parker, C Pausé
Frontiers in Sociology 3, 5, 2018
“It’s total erasure”: Trans and nonbinary peoples’ experiences of cisnormativity within perinatal care services in Aotearoa New Zealand
G Parker, A Ker, S Baddock, E Kerekere, J Veale, S Miller
Women's Reproductive Health 10 (4), 591-607, 2023
Taking up the challenge of trans and non-binary inclusion in midwifery education: reflections from educators in Aotearoa and Ontario Canada
G Parker, L Kelly, S Miller, V Van Wagner, M Handa, S Baddock, ...
Midwifery 118, 103605, 2023
Sized out: Fatness, fertility care, and reproductive justice in Aotearoa New Zealand
G Parker, J Le Grice
Reproductive citizenship: Technologies, rights and relationships, 153-178, 2022
Promoting positive interactions between midwives and obstetricians at the primary/secondary interface.
R Cassie, C Griffiths, G Parker
New Zealand College of Midwives Journal, 2021
DIALOGUE: Proposed changes to the Human Assisted Reproductive Technology Act (2004).
D Yates, R Shaw, G Parker, L Van Zyl, R Walker
Women's studies journal 29 (1), 2015
Developing a transgender and non‐binary inclusive obstetrics and gynaecology undergraduate medical curriculum in Aotearoa/New Zealand: Where are we at, and where do we need to be?
L Jones, R Carroll, G Parker, D Steers, J Ormandy, S Filoche
Australian and New Zealand Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 64 (1), 15-18, 2024
Warming the Whare for trans people and whānau in perinatal care
G Parker, S Miller, S Baddock, J Veale, A Ker, E Kerekere
Open Access Te Herenga Waka-Victoria University of Wellington, 2023
Mothers at large: Governing fat pregnant embodiment
GC Parker
PhD Thesis-University of Auckland, 2019
The elephant in the room: Naming fatphobia in maternity care
G Parker, C Pause
Fat moms, fat kids: exploring motherhood and fat phobia, 2018
Self-identified fat people’s understanding of the need for, and use of, long needles when being vaccinated against COVID-19: Findings from a international online exploratory survey
G Parker, C Pause, A Gillon, L Gray
Critical public health 33 (3), 375-382, 2023
Teeth are for chewing: a critical review of the conceptualisation and ethics of a controversial intraoral weight-loss device
C Pausé, TG McAllister, AB Simpson, R Graham, L Calloway, A Gillon, ...
British Dental Journal 231 (11), 675-679, 2021
One for the girls?: Cervical cancer prevention and the introduction of the HPV vaccine in Aotearoa New Zealand
C Parker
Women's Studies Journal 24 (2), 25, 2010
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Articles 1–20