Dominique Stutzmann
Dominique Stutzmann
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Icdar2017 competition on the classification of medieval handwritings in latin script
F Cloppet, V Eglin, M Helias-Baron, C Kieu, N Vincent, D Stutzmann
2017 14th IAPR International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition …, 2017
Preparatory KWS experiments for large-scale indexing of a vast medieval manuscript collection in the HIMANIS project
T Bluche, S Hamel, C Kermorvant, J Puigcerver, D Stutzmann, AH Toselli, ...
2017 14th IAPR international conference on document analysis and recognition …, 2017
ICDAR 2019 competition on image retrieval for historical handwritten documents
V Christlein, A Nicolaou, M Seuret, D Stutzmann, A Maier
2019 International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR …, 2019
Clustering of medieval scripts through computer image analysis: Towards an evaluation protocol
D Stutzmann
Digital Medievalist 10, 2015
Artificial paleography: computational approaches to identifying script types in medieval manuscripts
M Kestemont, V Christlein, D Stutzmann
Speculum 92 (S1), S86-S109, 2017
Paléographie statistique pour décrire, identifier, dater... Normaliser pour coopérer et aller plus loin?
D Stutzmann
Kodikologie und Paläographie im digitalen Zeitalter 2= Codicology and …, 2011
A comparison of sequential and combined approaches for named entity recognition in a corpus of handwritten medieval charters
E Boroş, V Romero, M Maarand, K Zenklová, J Křečková, E Vidal, ...
2020 17th International conference on frontiers in handwriting recognition …, 2020
HORAE: an annotated dataset of books of hours
M Boillet, ML Bonhomme, D Stutzmann, C Kermorvant
Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Historical Document Imaging …, 2019
Les manuscrits médiévaux français et occitans de la Preussische Staatsbibliothek et de la Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin preussischer Kulturbesitz
D Stutzmann, P Tylus
Harrassowitz, 2007
Zero-shot learning based approach for medieval word recognition using deep-learned features
S Chanda, J Baas, D Haitink, S Hamel, D Stutzmann, L Schomaker
2018 16th International Conference on Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition …, 2018
Manuscrits datés des bibliothèques de France: Cambrai
D Muzerelle, G Grand, G Lanoë, M Peyrafort-Huin
CNRS, 2000
ICDAR 2021 competition on historical document classification
M Seuret, A Nicolaou, D Rodríguez-Salas, N Weichselbaumer, ...
International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition, 618-634, 2021
Digital palaeography: New machines and old texts (dagstuhl seminar 14302)
T Hassner, R Sablatnig, D Stutzmann, S Tarte
Dagstuhl Reports 4 (7), 2014
Learning-free text-image alignment for medieval manuscripts
Y Leydier, V Églin, S Brès, D Stutzmann
2014 14th International Conference on Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition …, 2014
ICFHR 2020 competition on image retrieval for historical handwritten fragments
M Seuret, A Nicolaou, D Stutzmann, A Maier, V Christlein
2020 17th International conference on frontiers in handwriting recognition …, 2020
La recherche en plein texte dans les sources manuscrites médiévales: enjeux et perspectives du projet HIMANIS pour l’édition électronique
D Stutzmann, JF Moufflet, S Hamel
Médiévales, 67-96, 2017
Les cisterciens et leurs bibliothèques
T Falmagne, P Gandil, D Stutzmann
Médiathèque du grand Troyes, 2012
Ontologie des formes et encodage des textes manuscrits médiévaux: Le projet ORIFLAMMS
D Stutzmann
Document numérique 16 (3), 81-95, 2013
HOME-Alcar: Aligned and Annotated Cartularies, 2021
D Stutzmann, S Torres Aguilar, P Chaffenet
URL https://zenodo. org/record/5600884. Zenodo: https://doi. org/10.5281 …, 0
Hierarchical text segmentation for medieval manuscripts
A Hazem, B Daille, D Stutzmann, C Kermorvant, L Chevalier
Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Computational …, 2020
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Articles 1–20