David Glick
David Glick
Associate Professor of Political Science, Boston University
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Cited by
Recruiting large online samples in the United States and India: Facebook, mechanical turk, and qualtrics
TC Boas, DP Christenson, DM Glick
Political Science Research and Methods 8 (2), 232-250, 2020
Do I think BLS data are BS? The consequences of conspiracy theories
KL Einstein, DM Glick
Political Behavior 37, 679-701, 2015
Neighborhood defenders: Participatory politics and America’s housing crisis
KL Einstein, DM Glick, M Palmer
Political Science Quarterly 135 (2), 281-312, 2020
Who participates in local government? Evidence from meeting minutes
KL Einstein, M Palmer, DM Glick
Perspectives on politics 17 (1), 28-46, 2019
Chief Justice Roberts's health care decision disrobed: the microfoundations of the Supreme Court's legitimacy
DP Christenson, DM Glick
American Journal of Political Science 59 (2), 403-418, 2015
Does race affect access to government services? An experiment exploring street‐level bureaucrats and access to public housing
KL Einstein, DM Glick
American Journal of Political Science 61 (1), 100-116, 2017
Mayors, partisanship, and redistribution: Evidence directly from US mayors
KL Einstein, DM Glick
Urban Affairs Review 54 (1), 74-106, 2018
Evidence from a statewide vaccination RCT shows the limits of nudges
N Rabb, M Swindal, D Glick, J Bowers, A Tomasulo, Z Oyelami, ...
Nature 604 (7904), E1-E7, 2022
Crowdsourcing panel studies and real-time experiments in MTurk
DP Christenson, DM Glick
The Political Methodologist 20 (2), 27-32, 2013
Reassessing the Supreme Court: How decisions and negativity bias affect legitimacy
DP Christenson, DM Glick
Political Research Quarterly 72 (3), 637-652, 2019
Cities in American federalism: Evidence on state–local government conflict from a survey of mayors
KL Einstein, DM Glick
Publius: The Journal of Federalism 47 (4), 599-621, 2017
The influence of social norms varies with “others” groups: Evidence from COVID-19 vaccination intentions
N Rabb, J Bowers, D Glick, KH Wilson, D Yokum
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 119 (29), e2118770119, 2022
Issue-specific opinion change: The Supreme Court and health care reform
DP Christenson, DM Glick
Public Opinion Quarterly 79 (4), 881-905, 2015
Cynicism, conspiracies, and contemporaneous conditions moderating experimental treatment effects
KL Einstein, DM Glick
Manuscript, Boston University, Department of Political Science, 2015
Public knowledge, contaminant concerns, and support for recycled Water in the United States
DM Glick, JL Goldfarb, W Heiger-Bernays, DL Kriner
Resources, Conservation and Recycling 150, 104419, 2019
Still muted: The limited participatory democracy of Zoom public meetings
KL Einstein, D Glick, L Godinez Puig, M Palmer
Urban Affairs Review 59 (4), 1279-1291, 2023
No evidence that collective-good appeals best promote COVID-related health behaviors
N Rabb, D Glick, A Houston, J Bowers, D Yokum
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118 (14), e2100662118, 2021
Conditional Strategic Retreat: The Court's Concession in the 1935 Gold Clause Cases
D Glick
The Journal of Politics 71 (3), 800-816, 2009
Home rule be damned: Exploring policy conflicts between the statehouse and city hall
WD Hicks, C Weissert, J Swanson, J Bulman-Pozen, V Kogan, ...
PS: Political Science & Politics 51 (1), 26-38, 2018
Learning by mimicking and modifying: a model of policy knowledge diffusion with evidence from legal implementation
DM Glick
The Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization 30 (2), 339-370, 2012
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