Katja Doerschner
Katja Doerschner
Other namesKatja Dörschner, Katja Doerschner-Boyaci, Katja Dörschner-Boyaci
Professor of Psychology, Giessen University
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Cited by
Visual motion and the perception of surface material
K Doerschner, RW Fleming, O Yilmaz, PR Schrater, B Hartung, D Kersten
Current biology 21 (23), 2010-2016, 2011
Recessive LAMC3 mutations cause malformations of occipital cortical development
T Barak, KY Kwan, A Louvi, V Demirbilek, S Saygı, B Tüysüz, M Choi, ...
Nature genetics 43 (6), 590-594, 2011
Homozygosity mapping and targeted genomic sequencing reveal the gene responsible for cerebellar hypoplasia and quadrupedal locomotion in a consanguineous kindred
S Gulsuner, AB Tekinay, K Doerschner, H Boyaci, K Bilguvar, H Unal, ...
Genome Research 21 (12), 1995-2003, 2011
Estimating the glossiness transfer function induced by illumination change and testing its transitivity
K Doerschner, H Boyaci, LT Maloney
Journal of vision 10 (4), 8-8, 2010
Perceived surface color in binocularly viewed scenes with two light sources differing in chromaticity
H Boyaci, K Doerschner, LT Maloney
Journal of Vision 4 (9), 1-1, 2004
Cues to an equivalent lighting model
H Boyaci, K Doerschner, LT Maloney
Journal of Vision 6 (2), 2-2, 2006
Human observers compensate for secondary illumination originating in nearby chromatic surfaces
K Doerschner, H Boyaci, LT Maloney
Journal of vision 4 (2), 3-3, 2004
Surface color perception in three-dimensional scenes
H Boyaci, K Doerschner, JL Snyder, LT Maloney
Visual neuroscience 23 (3-4), 311-321, 2006
Differences in illumination estimation in# thedress
M Toscani, KR Gegenfurtner, K Doerschner
Journal of Vision 17 (1), 22-22, 2017
Shatter and splatter: The contribution of mechanical and optical properties to the perception of soft and hard breaking materials
AC Schmid, K Doerschner
Journal of vision 18 (1), 14-14, 2018
Illumination estimation in three-dimensional scenes with and without specular cues
JL Snyder, K Doerschner, LT Maloney
Journal of Vision 5 (10), 8-8, 2005
Testing limits on matte surface color perception in three-dimensional scenes with complex light fields
K Doerschner, H Boyaci, LT Maloney
Vision Research 47 (28), 3409-3423, 2007
Perceived glossiness in high dynamic range scenes
K Doerschner, LT Maloney, H Boyaci
Journal of Vision 10 (9), 11-11, 2010
Task and material properties interactively affect softness explorations along different dimensions
M Cavdan, K Doerschner, K Drewing
IEEE Transactions on Haptics 14 (3), 603-614, 2021
The many dimensions underlying perceived softness: How exploratory procedures are influenced by material and the perceptual task*
M Cavdan, K Doerschner, K Drewing
2019 IEEE World Haptics Conference (WHC), 437-442, 2019
Color constancy and hue scaling
S Schultz, K Doerschner, LT Maloney
Journal of Vision 6 (10), 10-10, 2006
Relative flattening between velvet and matte 3D shapes: evidence for similar shape-from-shading computations
MWA Wijntjes, K Doerschner, G Kucukoglu, SC Pont
Journal of Vision 12 (1), 2-2, 2012
Rapid classification of specular and diffuse reflection from image velocities
K Doerschner, D Kersten, PR Schrater
Pattern Recognition 44 (9), 1874-1884, 2011
The look and feel of soft are similar across different softness dimensions
M Cavdan, K Drewing, K Doerschner
Journal of vision 21 (10), 20-20, 2021
Surface color perception and light field estimation in 3D scenes
LT Maloney, HE Gerhard, H Boyaci, K Doerschner
Vision in 3D environments, 65-88, 2010
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Articles 1–20