Kevin C. Weng
Kevin C. Weng
Virginia Institute of Marine Science, College of William & Mary
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Electronic tagging and population structure of Atlantic bluefin tuna
BA Block, SLH Teo, A Walli, A Boustany, MJW Stokesbury, CJ Farwell, ...
Nature 434 (7037), 1121-1127, 2005
Migration and habitat of white sharks (Carcharodon carcharias) in the eastern Pacific Ocean
KC Weng, AM Boustany, P Pyle, SD Anderson, A Brown, BA Block
Marine Biology 152, 877-894, 2007
Validation of geolocation estimates based on light level and sea surface temperature from electronic tags
SLH Teo, A Boustany, S Blackwell, A Walli, KC Weng, BA Block
Marine Ecology Progress Series 283, 81-98, 2004
Annual migrations, diving behavior, and thermal biology of Atlantic bluefin tuna, Thunnus thynnus, on their Gulf of Mexico breeding grounds
SLH Teo, A Boustany, H Dewar, MJW Stokesbury, KC Weng, S Beemer, ...
Marine Biology 151, 1-18, 2007
Satellite tagging and cardiac physiology reveal niche expansion in salmon sharks
KC Weng, PC Castilho, JM Morrissette, AM Landeira-Fernandez, ...
Science 310 (5745), 104-106, 2005
High apex predator biomass on remote Pacific islands
C Stevenson, LS Katz, F Micheli, B Block, KW Heiman, C Perle, K Weng, ...
Coral reefs 26, 47-51, 2007
Movements, behavior and habitat preferences of juvenile white sharks Carcharodon carcharias in the eastern Pacific
KC Weng, JB O’Sullivan, CG Lowe, CE Winkler, H Dewar, BA Block
Marine Ecology Progress Series 338, 211-224, 2007
Diel vertical migration of the bigeye thresher shark (Alopias superciliosus), a species possessing orbital retia mirabilia
KC Weng, BA Block
The political biogeography of migratory marine predators
AL Harrison, DP Costa, AJ Winship, SR Benson, SJ Bograd, M Antolos, ...
Nature Ecology & Evolution 2 (10), 1571-1578, 2018
Migration of an upper trophic level predator, the salmon shark Lamna ditropis, between distant ecoregions
KC Weng, DG Foley, JE Ganong, C Perle, GL Shillinger, BA Block
Marine Ecology Progress Series 372, 253-264, 2008
Drivers of daily routines in an ectothermic marine predator: hunt warm, rest warmer?
YP Papastamatiou, YY Watanabe, D Bradley, LE Dee, K Weng, CG Lowe, ...
PloS one 10 (6), e0127807, 2015
Habitat and behaviour of yellowfin tuna Thunnus albacares in the Gulf of Mexico determined using pop‐up satellite archival tags
KC Weng, MJW Stokesbury, AM Boustany, AC Seitz, SLH Teo, SK Miller, ...
Journal of Fish Biology 74 (7), 1434-1449, 2009
Future research directions on the “elusive” white shark
C Huveneers, K Apps, EE Becerril-García, B Bruce, PA Butcher, ...
Frontiers in Marine Science 5, 455, 2018
Movement and habitat use by the spine-tail devil ray in the Eastern Pacific Ocean
DA Croll, KM Newton, K Weng, F Galván-Magaña, JO Sullivan, H Dewar
Marine ecology progress series 465, 193-200, 2012
Activity seascapes highlight central place foraging strategies in marine predators that never stop swimming
YP Papastamatiou, YY Watanabe, U Demšar, V Leos-Barajas, D Bradley, ...
Movement Ecology 6, 1-15, 2018
Satellite tracking the world's largest jelly predator, the ocean sunfish, Mola mola, in the Western Pacific
H Dewar, T Thys, SLH Teo, C Farwell, J O'sullivan, T Tobayama, M Soichi, ...
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 393 (1-2), 32-42, 2010
The degree and result of gillnet fishery interactions with juvenile white sharks in southern California assessed by fishery-independent and-dependent methods
K Lyons, ET Jarvis, SJ Jorgensen, K Weng, J O'Sullivan, C Winkler, ...
Fisheries Research 147, 370-380, 2013
A Re-Evaluation of the Size of the White Shark (Carcharodon carcharias) Population off California, USA
GH Burgess, BD Bruce, GM Cailliet, KJ Goldman, RD Grubbs, CG Lowe, ...
PloS one 9 (6), e98078, 2014
Vertical movements of shortfin mako sharks Isurus oxyrinchus in the western North Atlantic Ocean are strongly influenced by temperature
JJ Vaudo, BM Wetherbee, AD Wood, K Weng, LA Howey-Jordan, ...
Marine Ecology Progress Series 547, 163-175, 2016
Ecology of the ocean sunfish, Mola mola, in the southern California Current System
TM Thys, JP Ryan, H Dewar, CR Perle, K Lyons, J O'Sullivan, C Farwell, ...
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 471, 64-76, 2015
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Articles 1–20