Ryan C. Black
Ryan C. Black
Professor of Political Science, Michigan State University
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Agenda setting in the Supreme Court: The collision of policy and jurisprudence
RC Black, RJ Owens
The Journal of Politics 71 (3), 1062-1075, 2009
The solicitor general and the United States Supreme Court: Executive influence and judicial decisions
RC Black, RJ Owens
New York: Cambridge University Press, 2012
Empirical Analysis of the Length of US Supreme Court Opinions, An
RC Black, JF Spriggs
Hous. L. Rev. 45, 621, 2008
The citation and depreciation of US Supreme Court precedent
RC Black, JF Spriggs
Journal of Empirical Legal Studies 10 (2), 325-358, 2013
Emotions, Oral Arguments, and Supreme Court Decision Making
RC Black, SA Treul, TR Johnson, J Goldman
Journal of Politics 73 (2), 572-581, 2011
US Supreme Court opinions and their audiences
RC Black, RJ Owens, J Wedeking, PC Wohlfarth
Cambridge University Press, 2016
Courting the president: how circuit court judges alter their behavior for promotion to the Supreme Court
RC Black, RJ Owens
American Journal of Political Science 60 (1), 30-43, 2016
Inquiring minds want to know: Do justices tip their hands with questions at oral argument in the US supreme court
TR Johnson, RC Black, J Goldman, SA Treul
Wash. UJL & Pol'y 29, 241, 2009
US Supreme Court agenda setting and the role of litigant status
RC Black, CL Boyd
The Journal of Law, Economics, & Organization 28 (2), 286-312, 2012
Oral arguments and coalition formation on the US Supreme Court: A deliberate dialogue
RC Black, TR Johnson, J Wedeking
University of Michigan Press, 2012
Adding Recess Appointments to the President's “Tool Chest” of Unilateral Powers
RC Black, AJ Madonna, RJ Owens, MS Lynch
Political Research Quarterly 60 (4), 645-654, 2007
Solicitor General Influence and Agenda Setting on the United States Supreme Court
RC Black, RJ Owens
Political Research Quarterly, 2011
The influence of public sentiment on Supreme Court opinion clarity
RC Black, RJ Owens, J Wedeking, PC Wohlfarth
Law & Society Review 50 (3), 703-732, 2016
The role of emotional language in briefs before the US Supreme Court
RC Black, MEK Hall, RJ Owens, EM Ringsmuth
Journal of Law and Courts 4 (2), 377-407, 2016
A built-in advantage: The office of the Solicitor General and the US Supreme Court
RC Black, RJ Owens
Political Research Quarterly 66 (2), 454-466, 2013
Pardon the Interruption: An Empirical Analysis of Supreme Court Justices' Behavior During Oral Arguments
TR Johnson, RC Black, J Wedeking
Loy. L. Rev. 55, 331, 2009
Toward an actor-based measure of Supreme Court case salience: Information-seeking and engagement during oral arguments
RC Black, MW Sorenson, TR Johnson
Political Research Quarterly 66 (4), 804-818, 2013
Hear Me Roar: What Provokes Supreme Court Justices to Dissent from the Bench
TR Johnson, RC Black, EM Ringsmuth
Minn. L. Rev. 93, 1560, 2008
Recusals and the problem of an equally divided supreme court
R Black, L Epstein
J. App. Prac. & Process 7, 75, 2005
Consider the source (and the message) Supreme Court justices and strategic audits of lower court decisions
RC Black, RJ Owens
Political Research Quarterly 65 (2), 385-395, 2012
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Articles 1–20