Brian Mac Namee
Cited by
Cited by
Fundamentals of machine learning for predictive data analytics: algorithms, worked examples, and case studies
JD Kelleher, B Mac Namee, A D'arcy
MIT press, 2020
Deep learning at the shallow end: Malware classification for non-domain experts
Q Le, O Boydell, B Mac Namee, M Scanlon
Digital Investigation 26, S118-S126, 2018
A taxonomy for agent-based models in human infectious disease epidemiology
E Hunter, B Mac Namee, JD Kelleher
Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation 20 (3), 2017
An open-data-driven agent-based model to simulate infectious disease outbreaks
E Hunter, B Mac Namee, J Kelleher
PloS one 13 (12), e0208775, 2018
The problem of bias in training data in regression problems in medical decision support
B Mac Namee, P Cunningham, S Byrne, OI Corrigan
Artificial intelligence in medicine 24 (1), 51-70, 2002
Stability of topic modeling via matrix factorization
M Belford, B Mac Namee, D Greene
Expert Systems with Applications 91, 159-169, 2018
Research directions for AI in computer games
C Fairclough, M Fagan, B Mac Namee, P Cunningham
Trinity College Dublin, Department of Computer Science, 2001
Levels of detail for crowds and groups
C O'Sullivan, J Cassell, H Vilhjalmsson, J Dingliana, S Dobbyn, ...
Computer Graphics Forum 21 (4), 733-741, 2002
Drift detection using uncertainty distribution divergence
P Lindstrom, B Mac Namee, SJ Delany
Evolving Systems 4, 13-25, 2013
Handling concept drift in a text data stream constrained by high labelling cost
P Lindstrom, SJ Delany, B MacNamee
FLAIRS. AAAI Press, Menlo Park, 2010
Anomaly detection in raw audio using deep autoregressive networks
E Rushe, B Mac Namee
ICASSP 2019-2019 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and …, 2019
Off to a good start: Using clustering to select the initial training set in active learning
R Hu, B Mac Namee, SJ Delany
Twenty-Third International FLAIRS Conference, 2010
Active learning for text classification with reusability
R Hu, B Mac Namee, SJ Delany
Expert systems with applications 45, 438-449, 2016
Using semi-supervised classifiers for credit scoring
K Kennedy, BM Namee, SJ Delany
Journal of the Operational Research Society 64 (4), 513-529, 2013
Academic performance prediction based on multisource, multifeature behavioral data
L Zhao, K Chen, J Song, X Zhu, J Sun, B Caulfield, B Mac Namee
IEEE Access 9, 5453-5465, 2020
A comparison of agent-based models and equation based models for infectious disease epidemiology
E Hunter, B Mac Namee, JD Kelleher
Technological University Dublin, 2018
Learning without default: A study of one-class classification and the low-default portfolio problem
K Kennedy, B Mac Namee, SJ Delany
Irish conference on artificial intelligence and cognitive science, 174-187, 2009
A window of opportunity: Assessing behavioural scoring
K Kennedy, B Mac Namee, SJ Delany, M O’Sullivan, N Watson
Expert Systems with Applications 40 (4), 1372-1380, 2013
Proactive persistent agents-using situational intelligence to create support characters in character-centric computer games
B Mac Namee
University of Dublin, Trinity College. Department of Computer Science, 2004
A proposal for an agent architecture for proactive persistent non player characters
B Mac Namee, P Cunningham
Trinity College Dublin, Department of Computer Science, 2001
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Articles 1–20