Mariana Morais Vidal
Cited by
Cited by
Biodiversity, species interactions and ecological networks in a fragmented world
M Hagen, WD Kissling, C Rasmussen, MAM De Aguiar, LE Brown, ...
Advances in ecological research 46, 89-210, 2012
Funções eco-hidrológicas das florestas nativas e o Código Florestal
LR Tambosi, MM Vidal, SFB Ferraz, JP Metzger
Estudos Avançados 29 (84), 151-162, 2015
Large vertebrates as the missing components of seed-dispersal networks
MM Vidal, MM Pires, PR Guimaraes Jr
Biological Conservation 163, 42-48, 2013
Frugivores at higher risk of extinction are the key elements of a mutualistic network
MM Vidal, E Hasui, MA Pizo, JY Tamashiro, WR Silva, PR Guimarães Jr
Ecology 95 (12), 3440-3447, 2014
Produção de serapilheira em floresta Atlântica secundária numa paisagem fragmentada (Ibiúna, SP): importância da borda e tamanho dos fragmentos
MM Vidal, VR Pivello, ST Meirelles, JP Metzger
Brazilian Journal of Botany 30, 521-532, 2007
Chuva de sementes em fragmentos de Floresta Atlântica (São Paulo, SP, Brasil), sob diferentes situações de conectividade, estrutura florestal e proximidade da borda
VR Pivello, D Petenon, FM Jesus, ST Meirelles, MM Vidal, RAS Alonso, ...
Acta Botanica Brasilica 20, 845-859, 2006
The robustness of plant-pollinator assemblages: linking plant interaction patterns and sensitivity to pollinator loss
J Astegiano, F Massol, MM Vidal, PO Cheptou, PR Guimarães Jr
PloS one 10 (2), e0117243, 2015
Ecosystem services at risk: integrating spatiotemporal dynamics of supply and demand to promote long-term provision
AL Boesing, PR Prist, J Barreto, C Hohlenwerger, M Maron, JR Rhodes, ...
One Earth 3 (6), 704-713, 2020
Predicting the non‐linear collapse of plant–frugivore networks due to habitat loss
MM Vidal, C Banks‐Leite, LR Tambosi, É Hasui, PF Develey, WR Silva, ...
Ecography 42 (10), 1765-1776, 2019
Persistence of plants and pollinators in the face of habitat loss: insights from trait-based metacommunity models
J Astegiano, PR Guimarães Jr, PO Cheptou, MM Vidal, CY Mandai, ...
Advances in ecological research 53, 201-257, 2015
Reproductive phenology of three Syagrus species (Arecaceae) in a tropical savanna in Brazil
MMA Bruno, KG Massi, MM Vidal, J du Vall Hay
Flora 252, 18-25, 2019
de AS; Franco, GAD C; Metzger, JP Chuva de sementes em fragmentos de Floresta Atlântica (São Paulo, SP, Brasil), sob diferentes situações de conectividade, estrutura florestal …
VR Pivello, D Petenon, FM Jesus, ST Meirelles, MM Vidal, R Alonso
Acta Botânica Brasílica 20, 845-859, 2006
Species traits and abundance influence the organization of liana–tree antagonistic interaction
JC Sfair, VL Weiser, FR Martins, MM Vidal, PR Guimarães Jr
Austral ecology 43 (2), 236-241, 2018
Promoting landscapes with a low zoonotic disease risk through forest restoration: the need for comprehensive guidelines
PR Prist, C Siliansky de Andreazzi, MM Vidal, C Zambrana‐Torrelio, ...
Journal of Applied Ecology 60 (8), 1510-1521, 2023
Integrating databases for spatial analysis of parasite-host associations and the novel Brazilian dataset
GLT Cruz, GR Winck, PS D’andrea, E Krempser, MM Vidal, CS Andreazzi
Scientific Data 10 (1), 757, 2023
The Biogeographic Network of Birds in the Brazilian Cerrado May Guide Conservation Efforts
LP De Sordi, RS Morandini, VR Pivello, MM Vidal, JC Motta-Junior
Research in Ecology 4 (3), 42-53, 2022
Risco de extinção e a persistência de redes de interação entre plantas e frugívoros
MM Vidal
M. Surfistas de marola: gerrídeos (Heteroptera: Gerridae) preferem locais de menor correnteza
Ecologia da Mata Atlântica, 1-3, 2011
Moving towards a comprehensive view of the spatial processes in seed dispersal networks: Embracing metacommunities
MM Vidal
Journal of Animal Ecology 92 (11), 2122-2125, 2023
Predicting the collapse of plant-frugivore networks due to habitat loss
MM Vidal, PR Guimarães Jr, JP Metzger
2018 ESA Annual Meeting (August 5--10), 2018
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Articles 1–20