Giuseppe Re
Giuseppe Re
Researcher, INGV-Pisa
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Monogenetic volcanoes fed by interconnected dikes and sills in the Hopi Buttes volcanic field, Navajo Nation, USA
JD Muirhead, AR Van Eaton, G Re, JDL White, MH Ort
Bulletin of Volcanology 78, 1-16, 2016
Dikes, sills, and stress-regime evolution during emplacement of the Jagged Rocks complex, Hopi Buttes Volcanic field, Navajo Nation, USA
G Re, JDL White, MH Ort
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 295, 65-79, 2015
Petrological monitoring of active volcanoes: A review of existing procedures to achieve best practices and operative protocols during eruptions
G Re, RA Corsaro, C D'Oriano, M Pompilio
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 419, 107365, 2021
Subterranean fragmentation of magma during conduit initiation and evolution in the shallow plumbing system of the small-volume Jagged Rocks volcanoes (Hopi Buttes Volcanic …
G Re, JDL White, JD Muirhead, MH Ort
Bulletin of Volcanology 78, 1-20, 2016
Unravelling the magmatic system beneath a monogenetic volcanic complex (Jagged Rocks Complex, Hopi Buttes, AZ, USA)
G Re, JM Palin, JDL White, M Parolari
Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 172, 1-27, 2017
On the correlation between Raman spectra and structural properties of activated carbons derived by hyper-crosslinked polymers
A Croce, G Re, C Bisio, G Gatti, S Coluccia, L Marchese
Research on Chemical Intermediates 47, 419-431, 2021
Multi-parametric study of an eruptive phase comprising unrest, major explosions, crater failure, pyroclastic density currents and lava flows: Stromboli volcano, 1 December 2020 …
S Calvari, F Di Traglia, G Ganci, V Bruno, F Ciancitto, B Di Lieto, ...
Frontiers in Earth Science 10, 899635, 2022
Application of nano-coating technology for the protection of natural lapideous materials
G Re, A Croce, D D'Angelo, L Marchese, C Rinaudo, G Gatti
Surface and Coatings Technology 441, 128507, 2022
Tephrostratigraphy of proximal pyroclastic sequences at Mount Melbourne (northern Victoria Land, Antarctica): Insights into the volcanic activity since the last glacial period
P Del Carlo, A Di Roberto, G Di Vincenzo, G Re, PG Albert, M Nazzari, ...
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 422, 107457, 2022
Cryptotephras in the marine sediment record of the Edisto Inlet, Ross Sea: Implications for the volcanology and tephrochronology of northern Victoria Land, Antarctica
A Di Roberto, G Re, B Scateni, M Petrelli, T Tesi, L Capotondi, C Morigi, ...
Quaternary Science Advances 10, 100079, 2023
Evolution and dynamics of a monogenetic volcanic complex in the southern Hopi Buttes Volcanic Field (AZ, US): magma diversion and fragmentation processes at the Jagged Rocks …
G Re
University of Otago; available online at …, 2017
Physical and morphological characterization of the 19 May 2021 ash cloud deposit at Stromboli (Italy)
G Re, M Pompilio, P Del Carlo, A Di Roberto
Scientific Reports 12 (1), 10777, 2022
Historical explosive activity of Mount Melbourne Volcanic Field (Antarctica) revealed by englacial tephra deposits
P Del Carlo, A Di Roberto, G Re, PG Albert, VC Smith, G Giudice, ...
Bulletin of Volcanology 85 (6), 39, 2023
Cryptotephra layers in marine sequences of the Ross Sea, Antarctica: implications and potential applications
P Del Carlo, G Re, A Di Roberto, K Gariboldi, L Langone, T Tesi, ...
MISCELLANEA INGV 70 (1), 79-79, 2022
A review of petrological monitoring procedures: suggestion of best practice protocols for eruption monitoring
G Re, RA Corsaro, C D'Oriano, M Pompilio
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, EGU21-5758, 2021
Resolving the architecture of monogenetic feeder systems from exposures of extinct volcanic fields
J Muirhead, AR Van Eaton, G Re, JDL White, MH Ort
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2016, V51C-05, 2016
Conduit initiation at shallow crustal level within a monogenetic volcanic complex (Jagged Rocks Complex, Hopi Buttes, USA)
G Re, JDL White, J Muirhead, MH Ort
Geosciences 2016, Wanaka, 2016
Magma dynamics and ascent rate beneth a monogenetic volcanic complex (Jagged Rocks Complex, Hopi Buttes, USA)
G Re, M Palin, JDL White, M Parolari
Geosciences 2016, Wanaka, 2016
Jagged Rocks Complex: A window on the plumbing system of monogenetic volcanoes (Hopi Buttes Volcanic Field, Navajo Nation, Arizona, USA)
G Re, JDL White, MH Ort
IUGG 2015, Prague, 2015
The Jagged Rocks Complex (AZ, USA) - An example of a monogenetic volcanic plumbing system
G Re, JDL White, MH Ort
Geosciences 2015, Wellington, 2015
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Articles 1–20