Rebecca Schlegel
Rebecca Schlegel
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Thine own self: true self-concept accessibility and meaning in life.
RJ Schlegel, JA Hicks, J Arndt, LA King
Journal of personality and social psychology 96 (2), 473, 2009
Feeling like you know who you are: Perceived true self-knowledge and meaning in life
RJ Schlegel, JA Hicks, LA King, J Arndt
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 37 (6), 745-756, 2011
Understanding the relationship between perceived authenticity and well-being
GN Rivera, AG Christy, J Kim, M Vess, JA Hicks, RJ Schlegel
Review of General Psychology 23 (1), 113-126, 2019
Social threats, happiness, and the dynamics of meaning in life judgments
JA Hicks, RJ Schlegel, LA King
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 36 (10), 1305-1317, 2010
The true self and psychological health: Emerging evidence and future directions
RJ Schlegel, JA Hicks
Social and Personality Psychology Compass 5 (12), 989-1003, 2011
The breast cancer experience of rural women: a literature review
B Ann Bettencourt, RJ Schlegel, AE Talley, LA Molix
Psycho‐Oncology: Journal of the Psychological, Social and Behavioral …, 2007
Remembering gay/lesbian media characters: Can Ellen and Will improve attitudes toward homosexuals?
JM Bonds-Raacke, ET Cady, R Schlegel, RJ Harris, L Firebaugh
Journal of Homosexuality 53 (3), 19-34, 2007
The dynamic interplay between perceived true self-knowledge and decision satisfaction.
RJ Schlegel, JA Hicks, WE Davis, KA Hirsch, CM Smith
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 104 (3), 542, 2013
The influence of breast cancer survivors' perceived partner social support and need satisfaction on depressive symptoms: a longitudinal analysis
A Talley, L Molix, RJ Schlegel, A Bettencourt
Psychology and Health 25 (4), 433-449, 2010
Origins of the belief in good true selves
J De Freitas, M Cikara, I Grossmann, R Schlegel
Trends in cognitive sciences 21 (9), 634-636, 2017
The feasibility and effectiveness of expressive writing for rural and urban breast cancer survivors.
EA Henry, RJ Schlegel, AE Talley, LA Molix, B Bettencourt
oncology nursing forum 37 (6), 2010
Making in the classroom: Longitudinal evidence of increases in self-efficacy and STEM possible selves over time
RJ Schlegel, SL Chu, K Chen, E Deuermeyer, AG Christy, F Quek
Computers & Education 142, 103637, 2019
To discover or to create: Metaphors and the true self
RJ Schlegel, M Vess, J Arndt
Journal of personality 80 (4), 969-993, 2012
Rural and urban breast cancer patients: health locus of control and psychological adjustment
BA Bettencourt, AE Talley, L Molix, R Schlegel, SJ Westgate
Psycho‐Oncology: Journal of the Psychological, Social and Behavioral …, 2008
Why do people believe in a “true self”? The role of essentialist reasoning about personal identity and the self.
AG Christy, RJ Schlegel, A Cimpian
Journal of personality and social psychology 117 (2), 386, 2019
Straying from the righteous path and from ourselves: The interplay between perceptions of morality and self-knowledge
AG Christy, E Seto, RJ Schlegel, M Vess, JA Hicks
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 42 (11), 1538-1550, 2016
'I Make, Therefore I Am' The Effects of Curriculum-Aligned Making on Children's Self-Identity
SL Chu, R Schlegel, F Quek, A Christy, K Chen
Proceedings of the 2017 CHI conference on human factors in computing systems …, 2017
Thinking about change in the self and others: The role of self-discovery metaphors and the true self
SW Bench, RJ Schlegel, WE Davis, M Vess
Social Cognition 33 (3), 169-185, 2015
Social roles, basic need satisfaction, and psychological health: The central role of competence
AE Talley, L Kocum, RJ Schlegel, L Molix, BA Bettencourt
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 38 (2), 155-173, 2012
Introduction to the special issue: Authenticity: Novel insights into a valued, yet elusive, concept
JA Hicks, RJ Schlegel, GE Newman
Review of General Psychology 23 (1), 3-7, 2019
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Articles 1–20