Christian Korunka
Christian Korunka
Professor, Work and Organizational Psychology, University of Vienna
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The entrepreneurial personality in the context of resources, environment, and the startup process—A configurational approach
C Korunka, H Frank, M Lueger, J Mugler
Entrepreneurship theory and practice 28 (1), 23-42, 2003
Thriving on challenge stressors? Exploring time pressure and learning demands as antecedents of thriving at work
R Prem, S Ohly, B Kubicek, C Korunka
Journal of organizational behavior 38 (1), 108-123, 2017
The significance of personality in business start-up intentions, start-up realization and business success
H Frank, M Lueger, C Korunka
Entrepreneurship & Regional Development 19 (3), 227-251, 2007
Work engagement and burnout: Testing the robustness of the Job Demands-Resources model
C Korunka, B Kubicek, WB Schaufeli, P Hoonakker
The Journal of Positive Psychology 4 (3), 243-255, 2009
Coworking spaces: A source of social support for independent professionals
C Gerdenitsch, TE Scheel, J Andorfer, C Korunka
Frontiers in psychology 7, 581, 2016
Development and validation of an instrument for assessing job demands arising from accelerated change: The intensification of job demands scale (IDS)
B Kubicek, M Paškvan, C Korunka
European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology 24 (6), 898-913, 2015
Tax compliance of small business owners: A review
B Kamleitner, C Korunka, E Kirchler
International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research 18 (3), 330-351, 2012
Quality of working life and turnover intention in information technology work
C Korunka, P Hoonakker, P Carayon
Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing & Service Industries 18 (4 …, 2008
Employee strain and job satisfaction related to an implementation of quality in a public service organization: a longitudinal study
C Korunka, D Scharitzer, P Carayon, F Sainfort
Work & stress 17 (1), 52-72, 2003
Work and family characteristics as predictors of early retirement in married men and women
B Kubicek, C Korunka, P Hoonakker, JM Raymo
Research on aging 32 (4), 467-498, 2010
Entrepreneurial orientation and education in Austrian secondary schools: Status quo and recommendations
H Frank, C Korunka, M Lueger, J Mugler
Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development 12 (2), 259-273, 2005
Regulatory job stressors and their within-person relationships with ego depletion: The roles of state anxiety, self-control effort, and job autonomy
R Prem, B Kubicek, S Diestel, C Korunka
Journal of Vocational Behavior 92, 22-32, 2016
Changes in work intensification and intensified learning: challenge or hindrance demands?
C Korunka, B Kubicek, M Paškvan, H Ulferts
Journal of Managerial Psychology 30 (7), 786-800, 2015
Psychological well-being in retirement: The effects of personal and gendered contextual resources.
B Kubicek, C Korunka, JM Raymo, P Hoonakker
Journal of occupational health psychology 16 (2), 230, 2011
Technical requirements for high-quality scalp DC recordings
H Bauer, C Korunka, M Leodolter
Electroencephalography and clinical neurophysiology 72 (6), 545-547, 1989
Need–supply fit in an activity-based flexible office: A longitudinal study during relocation
C Gerdenitsch, C Korunka, G Hertel
Environment and Behavior 50 (3), 273-297, 2018
Effects of the implementation of information technology on employees' strain and job satisfaction: A context-dependent approach
C Korunka, O Vitouch
work & stress 13 (4), 341-363, 1999
New public management: Evaluating the success of total quality management and change management interventions in public services from the employees' and customers' perspectives
D Scharitzer, C Korunka
Total Quality Management 11 (7), 941-953, 2000
Too much job control? Two studies on curvilinear relations between job control and eldercare workers’ well-being
B Kubicek, C Korunka, S Tement
International journal of nursing studies 51 (12), 1644-1653, 2014
Personal characteristics, resources, and environment as predictors of business survival
C Korunka, A Kessler, H Frank, M Lueger
Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology 83 (4), 1025-1051, 2010
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Articles 1–20