Jinxin Fu
Jinxin Fu
School of Materials Science and Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology
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Robust one-way modes in gyromagnetic photonic crystal waveguides with different interfaces
JX Fu, RJ Liu, ZY Li
Applied Physics Letters 97 (4), 2010
Spontaneous emergence of chirality in achiral lyotropic chromonic liquid crystals confined to cylinders
N Karthik, R Chang, J Fu, PW Ellis, A Fernandez-Nieves, JO Park, ...
Nature communications 6, 2015
Highly flexible all-optical metamaterial absorption switching assisted by Kerr-nonlinear effect
Y Gong, Z Li, J Fu, Y Chen, G Wang, H Lu, L Wang, X Liu
Optics express 19 (11), 10193-10198, 2011
Unidirectional channel-drop filter by one-way gyromagnetic photonic crystal waveguides
JX Fu, J Lian, RJ Liu, L Gan, ZY Li
Applied Physics Letters 98 (21), 2011
Influence of hole geometry and lattice constant on extraordinary optical transmission through subwavelength hole arrays in metal films
JY Li, YL Hua, JX Fu, ZY Li
Journal of Applied Physics 107 (7), 2010
Robust and disorder-immune magnetically tunable one-way waveguides in a gyromagnetic photonic crystal
J Lian, JX Fu, L Gan, ZY Li
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 85 (12), 125108, 2012
Using chiral tactoids as optical probes to study the aggregation behavior of chromonics
K Nayani, J Fu, R Chang, JO Park, M Srinivasarao
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114 (15), 3826-3831, 2017
Experimental demonstration of tunable gyromagnetic photonic crystals controlled by dc magnetic fields
JX Fu, RJ Liu, ZY Li
Europhysics Letters 89 (6), 64003, 2010
Surface wave holography on designing subwavelength metallic structures
YH Chen, JX Fu, ZY Li
Optics Express 19 (24), 23908-23920, 2011
Direct observation of amplified spontaneous emission of surface plasmon polaritons at metal/dielectric interfaces
YH Chen, J Li, ML Ren, BL Wang, JX Fu, SY Liu, ZY Li
Applied Physics Letters 98 (26), 2011
X-ray and Raman scattering study of orientational order in nematic and heliconical nematic liquid crystals
G Singh, J Fu, DM Agra-Kooijman, JK Song, MR Vengatesan, ...
Physical Review E 94 (6), 060701, 2016
Spontaneous emergence of twist and the formation of a monodomain in lyotropic chromonic liquid crystals confined to capillaries
J Fu, K Nayani, JO Park, M Srinivasarao
NPG Asia Materials 9 (6), e393-e393, 2017
Composite metamaterials with dual-band magnetic resonances in the terahertz frequency regime
M Li, Z Wen, J Fu, X Fang, Y Dai, R Liu, X Han, X Qiu
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 42 (11), 115420, 2009
Control and blockage of edge modes in magneto-optical photonic crystals
JX Fu, RJ Liu, L Gan, ZY Li
Europhysics Letters 93 (2), 24001, 2011
The impact of local resonance on the enhanced transmission and dispersion of surface resonances
Z Wei, J Fu, Y Cao, C Wu, H Li
Photonics and Nanostructures-Fundamentals and Applications 8 (2), 94-101, 2010
Imaging optical scattering of butterfly wing scales with a microscope
J Fu, BJ Yoon, JO Park, M Srinivasarao
Interface Focus 7 (4), 20170016, 2017
The properties of gold nanospheres studied with dark field optical trapping
L Ling, L Huang, J Fu, H Guo, J Li, HD Ou-Yang, ZY Li
Optics Express 21 (5), 6618-6624, 2013
Nonreciprocal electromagnetic devices in gyromagnetic photonic crystals
ZY Li, RJ Liu, L Gan, JX Fu, J Lian
International Journal of Modern Physics B 28 (02), 1441010, 2014
Experimental studies of extraordinary light transmission through periodic arrays of subwavelength square and rectangular holes in metal films
H Yi-Lei, F Jin-Xin, L Jiang-Yan, L Zhi-Yuan, Y Hai-Fang
Chinese Physics B 19 (4), 047309, 2010
Potential energy profile of colloidal nanoparticles in optical confinement
J Fu, Q Zhan, MY Lim, Z Li, HD Ou-Yang
Optics Letters 38 (20), 3995-3998, 2013
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Articles 1–20