Benjamin W. Hadden
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Cited by
Relationship duration moderates associations between attachment and relationship quality: Meta-analytic support for the temporal adult romantic attachment model
BW Hadden, CV Smith, GD Webster
Personality and Social Psychology Review 18 (1), 42-58, 2014
Self-determination theory and romantic relationship processes
CR Knee, BW Hadden, B Porter, LM Rodriguez
Personality and Social Psychology Review 17 (4), 307-324, 2013
Mutually attracted or repulsed? Actor–partner interdependence models of Dark Triad traits and relationship outcomes
CV Smith, BW Hadden, GD Webster, PK Jonason, AN Gesselman, ...
Personality and Individual Differences 67, 35-41, 2014
Relationship autonomy and support provision in romantic relationships
BW Hadden, LM Rodriguez, CR Knee, B Porter
Motivation and Emotion 39, 359-373, 2015
I gotta say, today was a good (and meaningful) day: Daily meaning in life as a potential basic psychological need
BW Hadden, CV Smith
Journal of Happiness Studies 20 (1), 185-202, 2019
The green eyed monster in the bottle: Relationship contingent self-esteem, romantic jealousy, and alcohol-related problems
AM DiBello, LM Rodriguez, BW Hadden, C Neighbors
Addictive behaviors 49, 52-58, 2015
Commitment readiness and relationship formation
BW Hadden, CR Agnew, K Tan
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 44 (8), 1242-1257, 2018
The way I make you feel: How relatedness and compassionate goals promote partner’s relationship satisfaction
BW Hadden, CV Smith, CR Knee
The Journal of Positive Psychology 9 (2), 155-162, 2014
The real me: Authenticity, interpersonal goals, and conflict tactics
RYW Tou, ZG Baker, BW Hadden, YC Lin
Personality and Individual Differences 86, 189-194, 2015
An actor–partner interdependence model of the Dark Triad and aggression in couples: Relationship duration moderates the link between psychopathy and argumentativeness
GD Webster, AN Gesselman, LC Crysel, AB Brunell, PK Jonason, ...
Personality and Individual Differences 101, 196-207, 2016
Not all ideals are equal: Intrinsic and extrinsic ideals in relationships
LM Rodriguez, BW Hadden, CR Knee
Personal Relationships 22 (1), 138-152, 2015
An actor–partner interdependence model of attachment and need fulfillment in romantic dyads
BW Hadden, LM Rodriguez, CR Knee, AM DiBello, ZG Baker
Social Psychological and Personality Science 7 (4), 349-357, 2016
Removing the ego: Need fulfillment, self-image goals, and self-presentation
BW Hadden, CS Øverup, CR Knee
Self and Identity 13 (3), 274-293, 2014
Unsupported and stigmatized? The association between relationship status and well-being is mediated by social support and social discrimination
YU Girme, CG Sibley, BW Hadden, MT Schmitt, JM Hunger
Social psychological and personality science 13 (2), 425-435, 2022
It’s about time: Readiness, commitment, and stability in close relationships
CR Agnew, BW Hadden, K Tan
Social Psychological and Personality Science 10 (8), 1046-1055, 2019
Do you see what I see? Actor and partner attachment shape biased perceptions of partners
LM Rodriguez, J Fillo, BW Hadden, CS Øverup, ZG Baker, AM DiBello
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 45 (4), 587-602, 2019
Self-determination theory and intimate partner violence (IPV): Assessment of relationship causality orientations as predictors of IPV perpetration
CS Øverup, BW Hadden, CR Knee, LM Rodriguez
Journal of research in personality 70, 139-155, 2017
Let it go: Relationship autonomy predicts pro‐relationship responses to partner transgressions
BW Hadden, ZG Baker, CR Knee
Journal of Personality 86 (5), 868-887, 2018
Finding meaning in us: The role of meaning in life in romantic relationships
BW Hadden, CR Knee
The Journal of Positive Psychology 13 (3), 226-239, 2018
Seeking and ensuring interdependence: Desiring commitment and the strategic initiation and maintenance of close relationships
K Tan, CR Agnew, BW Hadden
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 46 (1), 36-50, 2020
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Articles 1–20