Frank Udovicic
Frank Udovicic
University of Melbourne, National Herbarium of Victoria, Royal Botanic Gardens Melbourne, Royal
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Testing the Impact of Calibration on Molecular Divergence Times Using a Fossil-Rich Group: The Case of Nothofagus (Fagales)
H Sauquet, SYW Ho, MA Gandolfo, GJ Jordan, P Wilf, DJ Cantrill, ...
Systematic Biology 61 (2), 289-313, 2012
Australian biogeographical connections and the phylogeny of large genera in the plant family Myrtaceae
PY Ladiges, F Udovicic, G Nelson
Journal of Biogeography 30 (7), 989-998, 2003
Phylogeny of Eucalyptus and Angophora based on 5S rDNA spacer sequence data
F Udovicic, GI McFadden, PY Ladiges
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 4 (3), 247-256, 1995
Chloroplast genome analysis of Australian eucalypts–Eucalyptus, Corymbia, Angophora, Allosyncarpia and Stockwellia (Myrtaceae)
MJ Bayly, P Rigault, A Spokevicius, PY Ladiges, PK Ades, C Anderson, ...
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 69 (3), 704-716, 2013
Phylogenomics and the rise of the angiosperms
AR Zuntini, T Carruthers, O Maurin, PC Bailey, K Leempoel, GE Brewer, ...
Nature, 1-8, 2024
Eucalypt phylogeny—molecules and morphology
PY Ladiges, F Udovicic, AN Drinnan
Australian Systematic Botany 8 (4), 483-497, 1995
Comment on a new classification of the eucalypts
PY Ladiges, F Udovicic
Australian Systematic Botany 13 (1), 149-152, 2000
Informativeness of nuclear and chloroplast DNA regions and the phylogeny of the eucalypts and related genera (Myrtaceae)
F Udovicic, PY Ladiges
Kew Bulletin, 633-645, 2000
Molecular phylogeny and biogeography of Melaleuca, Callistemon and related genera (Myrtaceae)
GK Brown, F Udovicic, PY Ladiges
Australian Systematic Botany 14 (4), 565-585, 2001
Historical biogeographical patterns in continental Australia: congruence among areas of endemism of two major clades of eucalypts
P Ladiges, C Parra‐O, A Gibbs, F Udovicic, G Nelson, M Bayly
Cladistics 27 (1), 29-41, 2011
Corrigendum to: Phylogeny, major clades and infrageneric classification of Corymbia (Myrtaceae), based on nuclear ribosomal DNA and morphology
C Parra-O, MJ Bayly, A Drinnan, F Udovicic, P Ladiges
Australian Systematic Botany 23 (2), 2010
ETS sequences support the monophyly of the eucalypt genus Corymbia (Myrtaceae)
C Parra-O, M Bayly, F Udovicic, P Ladiges
Taxon 55 (3), 653-663, 2006
Historical biogeography of Australian Rhamnaceae, tribe Pomaderreae
PY Ladiges, J Kellermann, G Nelson, CJ Humphries, F Udovicic
Journal of Biogeography 32 (11), 1909-1919, 2005
Molecular phylogeny of three groups of acacias (Acacia subgenus Phyllodineae) in arid Australia based on the internal and external transcribed spacer regions of …
SR Ariati, DJ Murphy, F Udovicic, PY Ladiges
Systematics and Biodiversity 4 (4), 417-426, 2006
Phylogenetic analysis and generic limits of the tribe Pomaderreae (Rhamnaceae) using internal transcribed spacer DNA sequences
J Kellermann, F Udovicic, PY Ladiges
Taxon 54 (3), 619-631, 2005
Ribosomal DNA pseudogenes are widespread in the eucalypt group (Myrtaceae): implications for phylogenetic analysis
MJ Bayly, F Udovicic, AK Gibbs, C Parra‐O, PY Ladiges
Cladistics 24 (2), 131-146, 2008
Phylogeny of Rhododendron section Vireya (Ericaceae) based on two non-coding regions of cpDNA
GK Brown, LA Craven, F Udovicic, PY Ladiges
Plant Systematics and Evolution 257, 57-93, 2006
Phylogeny of Melaleuca, Callistemon, and Related Genera of the Beaufortia Suballiance (Myrtaceae) Based on 5S and ITS‐1 Spacer Regions of nrDNA
PY Ladiges, GI McFadden, N Middleton, DA Orlovich, N Treloar, ...
Cladistics 15 (2), 151-172, 1999
Phylogenetic analysis of Australian Acacia (Leguminosae: Mimosoideae) by using sequence variations of an intron and two intergenic spacers of chloroplast DNA
DJ Murphy, F Udovicic, PY Ladiges
Australian Systematic Botany 13 (5), 745-754, 2000
Large indels obscure phylogeny in analysis of chloroplast DNA (trnL-F) sequence data: Pomaderreae (Rhamnaceae) revisited
J Kellermann, F Udovicic
Telopea 12, 1-22, 2008
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Articles 1–20